February 2020

2/16/20 February Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

Well we finally got some warm calm weather the other day and boom the tarpon showed up!  Tons of tarpon in the backcountry today.  We didn’t give it a whole lot of time, but went 2 for 4 in a couple hours.  Landed a small 40 lber to the leader, and big 120 lber to the hand as well.  Jumped a couple other big girls off.  Lots of fish back there and water temps are in the mid to high 70s just where they like it this time of year.  Should be good fishing for a bit, as long as we don’t have any cold fronts.  Looks like this next weekend we may get a hard north wind, not sure what the temperature will do but as long as it doesn’t get real cold, shouldn’t push ’em out.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

New YouTube video is up – Going Fishing with Darryl Choronzey!

Check out our latest YouTube video – a days fishing with Darryl Choronzey, who had a fishing show in Canada for many years. Video was lots of fun and we get a big bull red at the end of the day! Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you like it, we’ll be pumping out more videos and the support keeps it going.