Capt. Rick Stanczyk

9/30/15 Late September Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing

Haven’t updated in a while though I have not really been fishing much for tarpon lately.  I have gotten out a few days, some half days in the bays fishing for snapper.  That has been good action with some nice size mangrove snappers on cut bait.  We’ve also had a few good days snook fishing in the everglades and the bait run is continuing to push some big bait schools back there, leading to good fishing.  Today we ended up catching a tarpon at the end of the day, not really fishing for them but we stopped in a spot that i see some juveniles in once in a while.  We got lucky and hooked and caught a 20 lber, then jumped another one off.  Using live pilchards for bait.  Anyways it was a little rough to go look out off the beaches but I heard there had been some tarpon out there busting the big bait schools that are starting to show up.  Mid October is a good time for that sometimes, and it is right around the corner. 1 for 2


9/21/15 September Tarpon Fishing Florida Keys

Got out today again for an all day trip.  Bait was pretty easy lots of big giant silver mullets on the last of the incoming tide in the backcountry.  We tried the channels near flamingo and saw a few fish rolling when we set up.  Unfortunately they were not very active in feeding we did have lots of shark action and after 45 minutes or so while fighting a big shark we had about 100 lb tarpon grab a bait, run for 5 seconds, jump, and throw the hook.  That was our only bite we moved up the channel and things died down as far as the shark action, saw a couple tarpon roll and thought we’d get another shot but it never happened as the tide died.  I ran out west off the beaches to look around and we tried a couple areas and had more good shark action, but no signs of tarpon out there.  Anyways we decided to switch gears and ran in to the creeks to snook fish and had a stellar last couple hours, catching close to 20 snook!  Their was tons of bait in the canals, big and little finger mullet.  I think this is the first signs of the ‘fall bait run’ and if we continue having some northerly breezes we should get some epic conditions for a few weeks.  This can go on all the way through October.  0 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

9/17/15 September Tarpon Fishing in Flamingo

Got out today my anglers wanted to try to catch a tarpon.  It’s been crappy weather yesterday was rain all day long.  Today was suppose to be more of the same but luckily it wasn’t too bad.  It was over cast with scattered showers but never found us.  We were able to crush the mullet on the way back and fish some of the channels.  A few shark bites early we caught a nice little bull and a big blacktip.  Good to see some sharks biting again they’ve been tough to catch too.  The water seemed to have chilled down a good bit with all the rain and overcast the other day.  Anyways soon after that we hooked a big tarpon and had quite a battle of 30 minutes or so, and Bob landed this nice fish probably close to 100 lbs a good 85 or 90 at least.  Was much bigger than we originally thought.  Anyways after that we lost another shark and then ran out west to try off the beaches.  We caught a shark and hooked another shark we pulled off.  Then I had some boat trouble wasn’t able to get started luckily we were able to get a tow in had to wait a couple hours but didn’t get hammered with rain and were able to catch a few big ladyfish, catfish, and a couple nice pompano while we waited.  Of course back at the dock it was an easy fix there was a fuse I missed and we got things working again – definitely remember that one in the future!  So my customers had a good story to go along with their nice tarpon!  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
