Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/24-25/13 Tarpon Report

Caught big tarpon yesterday and today on 3/24/13 and 3/25/13 despite fronts, winds, rain, and non-ideal conditions.  Yesterday in the backcountry we got a big 100+ lber along with plenty of sharks.  Today we got about a 75 lb local fish with some fresh mullet we caught nearby.  The cold fronts that are coming tonight will likely make tarpon fishing in islamorada a little tough for the week, but not impossible.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


3/22/13 March Tarpon in the Florida Keys

Caught another march florida keys tarpon fishing today along with several big sharks, trout, and some nice tripletail to end the day.  Fishing cut baits in the backcountry there were lots of fish around.  We only had one tarpon bite but it was enough for my angler to land the fish of his dreams!  The big tarpon in islamorada are here now and if the weather stays nice they should stay happy.  If you want to come down and catch a tarpon in the florida keys then now can be a great time – early in the season and the fish are not beat up yet.  Night fishing is a great option make sure to ask about that!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

march florida keys tarpon

march florida keys tarpon

3/20/13 Nice tarpon in the backcountry

Had some tarpon action today along with plenty of other things including black tip sharks, trout, ladyfish, jacks, and lots of nice tripetail including some nice big ones.  We caught this one on a dead mullet on the bottom which we caught fresh earlier in the morning.  Saw lots of these tarpon rolling in the channels where we were fishing, and got the bite about 10 minutes after setting up, though after that they seemed to quite down did not seem them much after that.  Oh well!  I think the tarpon should be getting thicker and thicker in the usual spring time spots, today felt like spring and was nice and flat calm.  The tarpon fishing should get more consistent with that!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
