7/8/14 Everglades July Tarpon Fishing Report

More great fishing.  My same anglers from last night had me again today.  We caught a couple tarpon in the morning, not a red hot bite but we got both of them plus a few sharks.  Caught some pilchards and had a blast catching LOTS of snook and a couple reds after that.  Then we caught another tarpon near home in Islamorada to end the day.  So 3 for 3 on the tarpon today, great fishing!  July tarpon fishing in the florida keys is still good!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

7/7/14 July Islamorada Night Tarpon Fishing and everglades day report

Well had a morning half and an evening half today.  Likely one of my last evening charters as I’ve had a very busy season and still fishing most days so I’m happy.  Though I may open a few evenings when conditions look good if people are still interested in going so definitely check with me.  I can always point you to other good tarpon guides if I’m not available!  Anyways we had 1 tarpon bite this morning back in the everglades that we caught, a 50 lb fish on a light rod.  Good fight.  We also caught plenty of sharks including lemons, blacktips, and a nice hammerhead.  Mullet were a little tougher though I did get lucky and made 1 throw and caught about 2 dozen.  This evening we fished locally around islamorada.  Incoming tide just about until dark.  I didn’t have real high hopes but fishing was great.  We caught 3 out of 5 tarpon in the 65 – 100 lb range!  We also got a couple sharks and a couple of ‘mud marlin’.  Great fishing for this time of year!  July tarpon fishing in Islamorada can still be very productive, it’s a matter of being at the right place at the right time!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


7/6/14 July Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

Well today was a little slower then yesterday.  We did catch 1 tarpon in the morning though we fished for a little over an hour before we had a ‘for sure’ tarpon bite.  Got him though.  Lots of sharks too.  After that we did some stuff with the light rods – big mangrove snappers and a few trout.  Then we tried tarpon again in the afternoon.  Caught a few more sharks including a big 200+ lb bull shark.  Jumped one other tarpon off unfortunately that one did not stick.  But 1 for 2 on the day, fishing is consistent for tarpon in July here in Islamorada.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk