6/13/14 June Tarpon Fishing in Flamingo

Well we ran off east cape sable today west of flamingo.  We started the day with some rod bending action – trout, snapper, jacks, etc…  It was tough to get any bait, not much for mullet around though I had some from the day before.  And ladyfish were slim to come by even too!  But we set up off the beach in a deeper area and we caught a big shark, a nice cobia, and this gorgeous 50 lb tarpon.  My anglers were thrilled they had never salt water chartered before.  Very nice people the type you’d love to have as customers every day!  Congrats Heather on your first tarpon.  We tried around locally in Islamorada for the last hour of the day, did not see any tarpon with the hard falling tide that looked good, but we did see some permit but they did not bite for us.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/12/14 Tarpon Fishing Islamorada in June

Had a couple half days today.  This morning looked like it may of been rained out.  Nasty weather came through the night and again in the morning.  But by 7 AM the rain quit and we ventured to a nearby channel where I’ve been having some luck.  We hooked a nice 80 lb fish right away and caught him.  Then the wind started to lay down and it got a bit nicer out and overcast – looked to be good conditions.  We saw fish roll, but we never had another bite.  I moved for the last hour and we saw fish in that 2nd spot too, but alas no more bites.  But we got 1 at least!  Tonight was tough fishing we tried mullet fishing early with no success, then switched to crabs for the end of the falling tide.  We did have a couple bites, one of which was a permit that got us wrapped up in some old bridge rubble.  But we did not catch anything this evening.  Oh well it happens, back at it tomorrow with a full day trip.  Mullet were very few and far between today we went looking early in the morning and in the afternoon between my trips, we only caught 6 in about 3 hours…  That time of year for crabs and other varietys of ‘dead bait’.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


6/11/14 Keys Tarpon Fishing in June

Today we ran in the backcountry in the morning.  Did some light tackle stuff, then we came across a nice school of mullet and were able to catch a couple dozen.  I tried some of the backcountry channels and off the mainland shoreline, though not much for tarpon going on there but we did catch several sharks.  We finished up around town again with the last of the outgoing tide, very low water and hot – 90 degrees on my temp gauge!  We had 3 bites and landed one nice fish of 100 lbs that screams off probably close to 300 yards of line.  We gave chase and after he slowed down it wasn’t a long battle, I think the long run in the hot water did him in!  Tomorrow I have a morning half day tarpon trip and an evening trip, hopefully it is good!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk