8/8/13 Hot tarpon bite in august in the florida keys!

Backcountry fishing was good today again for the tarpon.  Crushed the mullet in the morning, lots of big muds with plenty of little flippin baits!  We went 2 for 6 on tarpon and some nice size fish to up to 100 lbs.  Plus plenty of sharks!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

8/7/13 August backcountry tarpon fishing in Islamorada

Well some bad news my motor blew up a couple days ago on a charter.  Had to get towed in though luckily warranty is covering everything and it’s in the shop now.  I’ll probably be trading mine in and upgrading to a 200 hp yamaha 4 stroke so that will be nice.  Today a friend let me borrow his boat for my charter since he wasn’t fishing.  We had an excellent day with a lot of different fish including 2 big tarpon off the cape sable area.  There were a lot of tarpon out there and lots of rollers and free jumpers… august can be great fishing out there.  Mullet were easy on the low water around 10 AM hopefully they’ll be there tomorrow too as I’m booked again.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

8/3/13 August tarpon fishing east cape sable

Went out for fun today with Elizabeth Baxter tarpon fishing.  We nailed some mullets in the morning and tried a few spots.  Mostly sharks to start with plus a few groupers.  Though we checked an area off east cape sable.  The water looked gorgeous and there was some fish there.  We hooked this fine 75 lb specimen on a dead mullet.  He almost jumped in the boat at one point and hit our bow and flopped off!  We landed him thankfully!  Tarpon fishing can still be very good through August and even into September.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
