8/2/13 August Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

Well it’s officially the ‘slow’ time of year for us here in the Florida Keys.  But august tarpon fishing in islamorada can still be a good bet!  There were plenty of fish around in the backcountry today as there has been.  Bait was a little tough but we caught plenty of mullet yesterday that I had iced down good.  We fished for a bit in the morning though had a longer than anticipated slack tide, when it did start moving we had a few shark bites which we caught a couple.  Saw plenty of tarpon rolling and a few free jumpers but no bites.  Did a few other things and then tarpon fished again in the afternoon on the last of the incoming tide.  After 30 mintues or so we hooked a nice 75 lb fish and fought him for a good 30 minutes, surprisingly hard fighter for this time of year with near-90 degree water temperatures!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

august islamorada tarpon

august islamorada tarpon

7/29/13 More good tarpon fishin’ this summer!

Fished a full day back in the everglades/flamingo area.  We caught our mullet on the way around one of my now favorite ‘in tide’ spots.  Set up in some channels early but didn’t have much luck there where they had been the last few days.  So we ran closer to flamingo to try some areas there and within 10 minutes had a nice 60 lb tarpon on!  Caught him plus a bull shark, had one more tarpon bite we missed then the tide quit and sun got bright.  Did a few other things and tarpon fished again in the afternoon with the falling water.  Had a fish on within 15 minutes again of about 70 lbs, chased and caught him.  Still plenty of fish around.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


7/28/13 July islamorada night tarpon fishing report

Well went out this evening for an evening tarpon fishing trip with my guys from yesterday.  Luck was with them again.  It started off slow we tried a spot and got a couple sharks and sting rays, saw some tarpon roll but no bites.  After a couple hours moved a mile or so away towards the other end of the channel and set up.  Tarpon popped up in a few places so it looked good.  Within 15 minutes we were hooked up.  After the fish made his first jumped, another rod went off – another double header for the boys again!  I told them that doesn’t happen very often and they had it twice in two trips.  We caught both fish of about 40 and 60 lbs.  About 15 miuntes later we jumped another fish off, and 15 minutes after that we hooked another fish this time a decent sized fish of 85 lbs or so.  Had to chase him through the bridge to the ocean, but landed him as well.  3 outta 4 is pretty good fishing especially before sunset this time of year.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk