6/12/13 June evening tarpon fishing in Islamorada

Well the tarpon bite has been a little slow in the day time in the backcountry though a few fish were caught around town the last couple days.  We got out this evening and had some mullets and crabs for bait.  The mullet fishing has been pretty good and I even have some penned up for tomorrows trip.  We had a lot of rain and lightning around this evening though we still managed to catch 1 out of 2 tarpon on live mullets.  Tried drifting with crabs  near sunset though no luck but did see one other boat hook one.  We were glad to get the shots we had and a fish to the boat though because they didnt seem too happy with the rain and lightning around.  The june florida keys tarpon fishing should stay good in the evenings and we have falling tide so a late night trip may be a good option.  We are going at 5:15 in the morning to catch the last of the morning tide and then fish our mullets when it gets sunny out.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/6/13 Paola worm hatch in Islamorada

The paola worm hatch went off on the end of the falling tide late this afternoon.  From 3 to 5 PM or so down by channel 5 bridge, craig key area of islamorada.  We were fishing by channel 2 and had some good action.  2 drifts with live mullet and 2 big tarpon hooked right in the same spot.  Both fish had a couple other ‘followers’ smaller fish that tagged along while we fought the other.  Pretty cool.  After we landed the 2nd it was pouring rain and lightning, so we hid under the bridge for 30 minutes until we had a window to run home in. Made it back safely –  another good night tarpon fishing in the florida keys!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/3/13 More rainy days but tarpon still around

Well we are supposedly in for more rain and have had a bit the last couple days.  Very unusual weather for june these prolonged rainy days.  Today we tarpon fished all day and saw plenty of fish though they were not biting well.  We did catch 1 nice 100 lb fish on dead bait and had a another solid bite on a bottom rod that we are not sure what it was but likely a tarpon as it just scaled the mullet.  We had a few ‘cheap shots’ on surface live mullets but never got the actual bait.  Yesterday I did not tarpon fish but the day before we did give it an hour in the morning before doing other stuff and did get about a 60 lb tarpon to start the day again on dead bait.  Right now the best bet for tarpon fishing in islamorada is catching the falling tide either later in the evening (from 7:00 on) or early in the morning (before day break).  I am pretty booked up through June though have some evenings available and a handful of mornings.  July can still be great tarpon fishing if your interested in tarpon fishing in July drop me a line.  I am not fishing every day then so I am open to doing later evenings or early morning trips to get you on the ‘hot bite.’

Capt. Rick Stanczyk