5/30/13 End of may tarpon fishing in the florida keys

Well we have had a lot of rain the last few days so I haven’t gotten out much.  A couple days ago we did stick locally and didn’t get rained on too much.  Ended up catching 1 nice big tarpon which we fought a while on a dead mullet.  Tonight is the first trip i’ve had since then and we got 2 80 lb tarpon again on dead bait.  Not much was going on with the livies nor on the crabs, though we had rain this morning and a nice late afternoon/evening until around 7:15 when the big rain rolled in.  We decided to pack it in at this point having caught 2 fish already.  Looks like the rain will start to clear somewhat tomorrow and much lighter winds too, hooray!  Looking forward to some june islamorada fishing for tarpon.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


5/27/13 Some more florida keys tarpon fishing in may

Had some may tarpon fishing charters in islamroada the last couple days.  Last night we caught a double header in the memorial day craziness!  Fishing dead bait we hooked a 100 lber and a 50 lber.  Chased the 100 lber and luckily the 50 followed us and we got a leadered release on him.  Followed the 100 lber for a while and had an armada of jet skis circling us looking on.  We were able to release him as well and then call it a night not bad for a couple hours of fishing!  Today we caught some live mullet early this AM but the fishing was a little tough.  We saw fish everywhere we went locally including the local channels and down by channel 5 bridge but they were not really biting.  A couple nervous baits that looked like they would get slammed and one fish rolled on a bait but no bite.  We ended up catching a nice 100 lber though again on a bottom bait plus a few other sharks including a nice big bull shark.  The wind was howling today though so we will take it.  As we get more into June the dead baiting will be more and more popular as will fishing crabs especially a little earlier in the mornings and in the evenings.  I have some evenings trips as well as morning trips available still or a full day in the backcountry can be good too!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

5/23/13 May tarpon report for Islamorada in the Florida Keys

Well the mullet have really thinned out we have had a hard time catching them in the early mornings.  Word too is with the big busy weekend even the commercial guys may give it up.  However there were a lot of fish around this afternoon we caught one dead baiting near home, also crab fishing on the falling tides should be a decent bet and the tides will be getting better on the evening trips in the next few days.  We are coming up on a full moon which is an anomoly to deal with but the may florida keys tarpon fishing can still be good.  Last night we got 1 fish as well and had a few other ‘cheap shots.’  It’s been a little slower than April, a few bites a trip and most of the time you get one, if your lucky maybe 2.  As june aproaches its getting to be dead bait tarpon fishing time in Islamorada.  The everglades tarpon fishing should hopefully pick back up, there has not been a whole lot of fish in the channels back there but summer time can be a good time back there and also off the mainland (east cape).

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
