Got out with Shane and his son Jackson today for the day. We ended up cutting things short and just doing a 3/4 day as we fished locally and with our bait supply and how fishing seemed to work out, it just made more sense. We focused on tarpon and actually had some decent action. Nothing at first we tried a spot early in the dark and no hookups, did have a few fish swim by and watched someone else hook one up and catch it. After an hour or so and sun up, we ran to the bridges. Caught the last of the incoming tide an hour or so. Tarpon were biting some here, a boat hooked up as we pulled up. Then we had a bite and jumped one off. A few more boats had some bites, and then we hooked another that we chased but unfortunately he got wrapped in the bridge! You can usually get through this bridge easily but the line got caught in barnacles and we could not get around the piling and eventually we got cut off. So goes tarpon fishing! After that things slowed down and the tide quite. A lot of boats left but we hung around and went to the other side and waited for the tide to change, which happened quick with the west wind helping push the tide out. We had another mystery bite on a live bait but I think it was a tarpon because the bait was in good shape and not cut up, then about 5 minutes later the same thing but this time about a 50 lb tarpon Jackson landed! Had to chase him around a few boats but luckily everyone was helpful and got out of the way and even untied there anchor. Combat fishing but it’s nice when people know what they are doing. After that Shane had another mystery bite that broke us off in the bridge again possibly a tarpon. We headed back towards home to try the channels there with the rest of our dead bait. After about 2 moves, we saw some tarpon rolling and moved a little more to get in front of them and hooked up one more time! But unfortunately he threw the hook. So tough keeping them on for us today but actually good fishing getting 6 bites. Glad we got one though that is always a good thing especially when fishing/conditions overall have been a little tougher. Wind is gonna blow hard again tomorrow and swing back northeast, which usually isn’t a bad direction but not excited about the howling wind. All the early spring weather we are still getting late now. 1 for 6
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing