2/23/18 Full Day Tarpon in Islamorada

Got out with John, John, and Joe down from NJ for the day.  The guys really wanted to try to catch tarpon and I told them it’s kind of an all day affair right now to have a shot at one, and they were game.  We caught bait early which was easy enough.  Howling east winds made the bait fishing easier for sure, but not necessarily easier for the tarpon fishing!  We headed out back and tried the channels where we caught them a couple days ago.  Not much early on we had the last of the incoming tide.  After 45 minutes or so though it started falling but we still didn’t see much.  I gave it some more time and looked around but nothing looked promising so we tried another channel.  A couple other boats set up here, nobody doing much of anything.  We gave that an hour and nothing happened so we went back to the first area as I figured maybe with the tide running for a bit now some fish would show up.  As soon as we got there, a boat was there fighting a tarpon so that was a good sign.  Someone I knew, so we pulled into that general area and a couple fish came up and rolled straight away.  We gave it a good 30 minutes but no bite, the other boat did jump another one though.  We had to move around a little and got in front of what seemed to be the body of fish.  After another 30 or 40 minutes,  I was about to move out but then we hooked one!  A nice big 120 lber, Joe landed him in about a 20 minute battle.  I didn’t get any good pictures as we broke her off on the leader, but had it next to the boat sevearl times and the boys got some good video I think.  We moved around a little after that to an area where we had seen a free jumping tarpon, but no more tarpon bites.  We did end up catching a lemon shark and had one other shark bite us off.  So overall slow day but we made the tarpon happen so it was a good one!  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

2/21/18 Tarpon Fishing in February in the Everglades

Got out with the Kurt Butcher group again today whom I fished over this past weekend.  I had Art and Mojo today.  Mojo wasn’t a serious fishermen so he let Art decide what to do, and Art wanted a tarpon!  So we headed out and caught some bait to start.  I just got new cast net which worked really well for our bait fish so I was excited about that, just easier to throw and dump the bait so it’s much quicker and easier.  The winds were cranking so it was a good test.  We headed to the backcountry and found some fish early on.  It was very muddy though with the hard winds, but we had good tide falling the whole time.  No bites to start but we had fish rolling in between our baits.  I was very surprised we never had a single shark bite either.  After about 1.5 hours though Mojo jumped a smaller 30 lb tarpon!  He sucked the bait in and spit it as he jumped though, never even getting the hook I don’t think.  After that we didn’t see many tarpon and decided to make a move.  I tried another channel where there had been some fish and we set up.  Didn’t see much but after 20 or 30 minutes, Art had his shot and hooked a nice 65 lb tarpon!  We fought him and got some good jumps and a nice fight, and landed the fish.  He cooperated well for pictures and the boys were thrilled.  After that it was about 11:30 and the guys had wanted to head in a little early.  So we did that.  Not bad got a tarpon for Art on a day where it wasn’t easy!  Back at it tomorrow hopefully they’ll cooperate some more.  Looks like the winds are suppose to subside a little by the weekend, but go in more of a southerly direction which may not be all that great but hopefully it’ll at least calm down some.  1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

2/19/18 February 3/4 day fishing trip in Islamorada

Got out with Charlie Ruoff today, return customer from last year of mine.  We had a 3/4 day scheduled.  The winds were cranking pretty good, didn’t seem like it when we left the dock but as soon as we got out on open water you could feel it.  Tried to catch a little fresh bait but not much luck with that, though we had plenty of leftover from the previous day.  Charlie wanted to mix it up and catch some light tackle stuff, and then give it a shot for a tarpon.  We hit the mackerel grounds first and that was very productive, however it took time getting their and back as it was so windy and rough.  We caught 18 or so mackerels.  With our allotted time I didn’t think we could get to where I’d been tarpon fishing as of late, as with the high winds we would’ve had to run way out of our way to make the ride comfortable to get there, and it just wouldn’t leave us with feasible fishing time on a shorter 3/4 day.  Also last time it blew crazy it wasn’t really great fishing back there anyhow so still a gamble.  So we opted to fish locally near home where there had been a few tarpon around though I’ve yet to catch any there (though I’ve only tried one other time).  They didn’t want to cooperate for us though, we had a couple mystery bites I think were sharks, one cut us off and one ran for a bit and got wrapped around a buoy or something and broke.  We did mark a few tarpon on the sonar so there were some around, but just not wanting to play.  Anyways back to full day schedule for the rest of the week.  I know one person caught a nice tarpon in the back today on their full day trip so will likely give it a try again back there, I think it’s part of the agenda tomorrow.  0 for 0

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing