Well yesterday I had just a half day and we caught some snappers for dinner and a couple other things. Fishing wasn’t easy we had the last couple of days with hard southwest winds due to the rain storms around. Today things were much nicer it was a light southwest wind and no rain. I had leftover bait and we ran right to the channels to try some tarpon fishing. We jumped one fish off after about 30 minutes and caught a shark. Saw a few tarpon rolling but not a whole lot. Eventually we ran out off the beaches to try and moved around a little but finally found a few fish. I didn’t have a whole lot of bait but we were able to catch two and jumped another one off. A few more sharks as well. Things got very hot again today hopefully doesn’t hurt the fishing. We did find a pile of mullet on the way home too. Tomorrow I have a half day just rod bending, and then out of town for a week or so. 2 for 4