Today we went into the backcountry in the morning. Bait was tough in the AM. We decided to run back there to get some more action anyways with a shot at hopefully getting a tarpon. Sharks were good they kept us busy throughout the day. Didn’t see much for tarpon back there. Anyways we came back around town in the afternoon. Lots of boat traffic, jet skis – ugh… Though we did manage to jump a tarpon, unfortunately we didnt’ get the hook in him good. He took off and didn’t jump right away, the perfect kind of bite, though we got the bait back and all. Oh well at least we had our shot! 0 for 1
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
5/16/15 Half day Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
Today we had an extended half day tarpon trip and stayed local around Islamorada. I haven’t fished locally in a week or so, we had a big group for 5 days and I mostly stuck to the everglades as there is a lot more bycatch (sharks, etc…) which those guys enjoy, plus we had a handful of shots at tarpon. Anyways this morning bait was decent we were able to get 3 dozen to fish with. Had good incoming tide for several hours this morning. Some fish around the bridges down the road, though the weed was tough to fish around. We finally found one area where it wasn’t too bad and were able to hook a fish soon after that we landed. After we got back, another 15 minutes later we had a fish up that ate, but unfortunately my anglers had sat the rod in the rod holder and by the time we grabbed it the fish was gone. After that we looked around tight to the bridges as the tide was slowing. Did not see a whole lot their either, though we found a handful of small fish. We did get some good action out of them, about 6 ‘cheap shots’ where they busted the mullets but did not eat. It was entertaining. After that we ran back close to home to catch the good falling tide, however did not see much for fish in the few areas we checked and decided to come in on the 3/4 day. 0 for 0 1 for 2
5/13/15 Florida Keys May Tarpon Fishing
Ran back into the ‘glades again today. We didn’t find the tarpon where they had been previously. Though we moved around a bit and finally found ’em. We went 1 for 3 in about an hour. Mostly small fish in the 20-50 lb range. Just got one to the boat they were not wanting to stay on the hooks. But plenty of shark activity as well including some hammerheads, lemons, and blacktips. Tomorrow I’ll be taking off. 1 for 3
Capt. Rick Stanczyk