Well had the same customers again today we ran into the everglades where we found good tarpon yesterday. However this morning things were not exactly the same. First off bait was a little tougher we had to make a few throws and drive around a bit before we finally got one good shot on the mullet. Though we got what we needed thankfully. We ran out off the beaches and the tide was still trickling in. We caught a few sharks and waited for the tide to turn. Though we did not see any tarpon activity at all. Fished for a while and a few more sharks. Then we ran further along the mainland to another area. There we spotted some activity, some tarpon free jumping and busting. We set up and soon had some shark action. Eventually we got our tarpon bite and we caught a nice 100 lb fish. Soon after that we hooked another 130 lb fish that we fought for a while. He ended up finishing our morning so Rupert landed 2 big tarpon over 100 lbs each, very nice. 2 for 2.
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
5/8/15 May Everglades Tarpon Fishing Report
Had a 3/4 day trip today so we switched things up and went back in the everglades. It’s been slick calm and the water warmed up nicely, though slick calm isn’t always the best for tarpon fishing. The local fishery has been very tough the last week as I’m sure you can tell from my posts. Anyways we gave the backcountry a try with the warm weather and calm it felt like summer time so I tried some of our summer time areas. We caught bait very well back there and tried some channels. Saw a few tarpon roll but no bites though we did catch a big blacktip and lemon shark. We ran out off the beaches later and caught the falling tide. Saw quite a few tarpon out there. We got there a little late though another boat there was having some action with them. We caught quite a few sharks including many small blacktips, atlantic sharpnoses, a large nurse shark, and about a 250 lb tiger shark which was very cool. Finally we were able to hook about a 100 lb tarpon that put up a very good fight to finish our day. Tomorrow we are planning to leave early and run right to the same area so I think we will get in on the ‘hot bite’ hopefully! 1 for 1
5/7/15 May Florida Keys Tarpon Report
Well the slow spell has continued we fished this morning and things hadn’t gotten any easier. Bait was tough in the early morning we saw a handful of baits but weren’t able to get lined up on them right. Luckily I was able to by some mullets and I had some dead ones from the other day plus a few crabs. We caught the last trickle of falling tide and then had a fairly quick turnaround. Plenty of fish again though they weren’t very happy we did not get much interest at all this morning aside from a few cudas and a shark. Tried crabs and mullet and even a few different tricks but tarpon just wouldn’t respond. Saw one fish caught and that was about it. We had started out in the bay where there had been good numbers of fish and there were, then around the bridges we saw some fish laying underneath, finally we moved out on the ocean side to some fly fishing areas. Saw probably 60 or so fish in the last 45 minutes training across the shallow areas. But no interest for us unfortunately. Last night was very similar we did not see as many fish as we did during the morning. The water did warm up last night back up close to 80 degrees so I thought that would of helped. We did find some fish eventually and had a couple fish up that boiled and flashed on our baits but wouldn’t eat. That was about it and again we saw one boat catch a couple fish, though we saw another 50 boats throughout the night and that was the only action we saw. Even making a drift with our crabs between 7 and 7:45 which is normally the ‘golden hour’ there wasn’t a boat to be seen hooked up to a fish. Anyways things can’t get much tougher I’m sure they’ll have to start feeding again at some point. I’ll likely be trying the backcountry the next few days as I have some 3/4 day trips and with as nice as the weather is some fish have likely moved in back there, plus the bycatch of sharks gives you more action! 0 for 0 and 0 for 0