Had Darrell and Todd out for the last morning today. We cut it to a half day since they had to get to the airport. Bait was a little tougher this morning. Didn’t see much early though we found some on the way back and got a good crack on them. We fished around town locally had 1 bite right off the bat and got him up near the boat and had wind on leader on our rod, but then he jumped off. So a long distance release. We had a couple cheap shots after that and then it quieted down. A couple other boats around us had hooked up but not crazy action. We went down to another bridge and lots of boats were sitting and waiting. We tried for a bit then ran back into the bay to another spot. We put baits out and hooked a nice 60 lb fish we fought for a little while and landed. That was about it we headed in around 10:30 so they could catch their flight. So a little slower than the last couple days but overall they still had stellar fishing. 2 for 2
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
4/25/15 End of April Tarpon Fishing Report
Had Todd and Darrell again today. We stuck it out for the whole day. Caught mullet good early this morning. Fished around town we had falling tide most all of the morning. We caught one big fish right off the bat on the bayside. A nice 110 lb fish for Darrell his biggest tarpon yet. Ate a nice live mullet off the surface. After that we ran down to the bridges again. Fishing wasn’t as insane as yesterday but was pretty good for us. No action on live baits but we got some bites on dead bait and went 2 for 5 down there. After the tide quit we came back up the road to some ocean side spots I hadn’t fished in a while. Lots of fish out there but unfortunately they beat us up. We had 5 bites on live bait and just missed all 5 of them for no good reason. Though we landed 3 fish for the day and still nice to have action all throughout the day at every spot. 3 for 11
4/24/15 Florida Keys Bridge Tarpon Fishing in April
Well after yesterday I was a little nervous about the fishing today. We tried a spot where we had good luck last night and saw fish all over the place rolling. But again they just did not want to eat. We had a couple blow up our baits, but not in the normal fashion where you see them trying to eat it. These fish almost just skyrocketed straight out of the water right near the mullet but never grabbed him. Anyways after an hour we decided to switch things up and try somewhere totally new where I hadn’t been in a while. We saw plenty of fish and set up near some structure. Soon we had fish chasing our baits and it was crazy action. We landed 5 tarpon out of 15 or so bites, I honestly lost count. I know we went through 18 live mullets though, a few of them cudas got, but thats how good the action was. We also caught 3 on dead bait too. Anyways we had 2 and a half hours of balls to the wall insane fishing with the last of the falling tide. Once we ran out of bait we went to look for more and caught a little bit in a big mud. Though we decided to cut the day to a 3/4 day and save the rest of our bait for tomorrow as I’m fishing the same party again. Tough to top our morning anyways and didn’t make sense to go through tons of bait to maybe get one more bite after seeing what the morning was like. 5 for 15