Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/16/15 Tarpon Fishing in March Florida Keys Everglades

Gave the tarpon a try again today.  The last couple days one day I had double half days, we mainly snapper fished and did try for about an hour for a tarpon – no luck but we did catch a big sawfish.  Yesterday we did tarpon fish for a good part of the day, had some shark action, but again no tarpon bites.  Yesterday the weather got very nice though I did not see any fish rolling in 3 different areas we fished.  Today we did start seeing a few fish, though not as many as you would hope for slick calm conditions in march!  Though we did get one to bite I only had half a dozen quality baits and it was a nice 65 lb fish.  We also caught plenty of sharks.  Perhaps after the next moon some big groups of fish will move in and stay for a while.  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/13/15 Tarpon Fishing Islamorada March Florida Keys

Windy day again today we had a full day after tarpon.  Had a bit of bait from yesterday and tried dead baiting early on.  No luck but saw some big balls of mullet getting bombed by birds.  We went and caught a bunch and set up with some livies on top.  Had a couple cheap shots and then did have 1 solid tarpon bite though we didn’t hook him.  Caught a couple nurse sharks on the bottom.  Tide started to quit and we decided to run into the backcountry and look.  Fished a couple channels back there but very muddy and a little weedy with the high winds, did not see much for tarpon had 1 shark bite that was it.  We came back near home and caught a big blacktip shark.  Conditions are very tough and there are not a lot of fish around hopefully by the end of the weekend the wind will lay down and hopefully more fish will make it our way.  Right now it’s a bite or two a trip if your lucky, better make the most of them! I have two half days tomorrow and I think it’s just rod bending action and maybe some dinner, though may try the tarpon just for a little while.  0 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/12/15 Tarpon Fishing Islamorada in March

Well more wind today.  Was a struggle trying to catch bait this morning did not really find them.  But had some from the days before.  We tried a bit of tarpon fishing in the backcountry though no luck back there.  The sharks did keep us entertained.  Caught some dinner mid day and then found a nice mullet mud and caught about 3 dozen fresh mullet out of it.  Then set up in some of the local channels for the last hour and a half in the afternoon.  Caught a few sharks again and a big sting ray, and just when it looked like it was all over we jumped a tarpon.  I said ‘just our luck’ and put the baits out for a few more minutes.  Strangely enough we had another bite soon after and hooked a nice 60 lb fish.  We chased him and got leader on him for a technical release, however the knot at the leader caught around the rod tip and we had some slack for a bit.  The fish was able to go under the boat and we were in shallow water and cut us off before we were able to get good pictures.  But at least we got one!  Hopefully fishing improves the wind looks to stay blowing but there are fish around they are just ‘laying up’ and floating, not really hanging consistently in the channels and normal bait fishing spots.  1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk