Well I can’t get a break people keep wanting to go fishing and I’m just can’t say no especially when the fishing has been this consistent and good! For tarpon fishing islamorada in august this is excellent! Had Tom and Kim from Alabama today they ran into me at the dock while cleaning a few fish yesterday. He wanted to put Kim on a tarpon and wouldn’t mind one himself. So we did just that, ran in the back caught a few baits. Baits were there but not real easy but we wrangled up 30 or so. Had the last of the incoming water I fished a channel for the first 45 minutes since we’d have slack water further out for a while. No bites just some sharks. Then we ran out off the beach and caught last little bit of the change of the tide. More sharks, then once the water started going out we saw a few tarpon free jump. Finally hooked one and Tom landed it a nice 45 lb fish. Then Kim got hers a 30 lber that was very acrobatic. Then we jumped another one off. And a bunch of blacktips in between to keep us busy! Ran out of bait and then came home.
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
8/15/14 East Cape Tarpon Fishing in August
Back at it again today. I had some bait from yesterday so we got a later 7 AM start. Ran into the backcountry off east cape sable. Tarpon were there and fishing was good. We had good falling tide all morning and light southwest winds. Lots of action with blacktip sharks. And we went 2 for 2 on tarpon, one 30 lber and another 50-60 lber. The august tarpon fishing in islamorada is good and fishing has been consistent as you can see. It’s very nice I am often the only boat out there and have it all to myself! But I don’t have any more charters booked and and am going out of town tuesday for a couple weeks then getting married on the 30th. I may end up going over the weekend but otherwise you may not hear from me for a little bit. If your looking to go tarpon fishing and I’m unavailable I can recommend some great guides who are so just drop me a line!
8/14/14 Flamingo Tarpon Fishing in August
Gave ’em a break yesterday and got a nice day off! Today we were back at it. Fishing was pretty good we caught mullet as usual first thing in the morning. Baits were not real easy but not too tough, had to make about 6 throws to get my 3 dozen baits. Off to the fishing grounds. Tide was just starting to fall when we got out there. Same general area I’ve been fishing this week. Lots of small blacktips, but got a tarpon eventually. Then more shark action and then we started seeing a few tarpon blowing up in the area – free jumping! Soon after we jumped another tarpon, then immediatly after the other rod went off and we hooked that fish. Landed that tarpon and then some more sharks, but got a 4th bite we landed just before 10:00. So 3 for 4 on the tarpons, all fish between 30 and 50 lbs, and plenty of blacktip sharks. Good fishing! We finished the day with some snook and snapper action.