We tarpon fished today in the florida keys. Islamorada tarpon fishing to be exact. We hit the same areas I’ve been fishing the last few days. It took a while for the tide to get going and fish to bite, but after an hour or so we started having action. We caught 3 out of 5 nice tarpon again and a big sting ray. The end of May has been much more productive the fish seem to be getting happier and out of their ‘lockjaw’ mode. Glad to finish the month strong! We will be getting into our summer time tarpon fishing here soon, many more local resident fish though it can be really good if you know when and where to look for these guys!
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
5/29/14 + 5/30/14 Islamorada Tarpon Fishing Report Late May
Today we had good bait in the morning and good fishing. Caught about 6 dozen mullet I split with my fellow bait catching buddy. We fished the local channels and fishing was good. Start of the incoming tide and a bit of cloudiness/overcast. We had 5 solid bites and caught 3 fish, mostly fishing dead bait but a good bite on live and another ‘cheap shot’ as well. Fairly big fish 65 – 100 lbs. We fished for about 3 hours until 10:00 or so then it seemed to be over with. Glad to have a multi-fish day again after a little slump for the last week and a half. Yesterday we had a couple bites we only fished for an hour in the morning and I did not have much bait, but we jumped one off on a live bait, and had another on dead bait we chased down but the hook unfortunately seemed to fall out of his mouth. My angler wasn’t able to reel very fast and we ended up with a lot of slack line to the fish. But still had fun anyways and we caught several other things in the backcountry after that.
5/28/14 Afternoon tarpon fishing in Islamorada
Well I got the bad mojo off finally. We caught a nice tarpon this afternoon of 85 lbs or so. Started back around flamingo again in the morning, caught some bait back there. My net got caught on an underground tree limb though, busted a couple brail lines getting it back, but still in one piece and had some mullet in it! Anyways we tried for tarpon back there for an hour in the morning, saw a few but no bites but did catch a couple of big rays. After that we bent the rod a bit with some trout and ladyfish. Then we ran back towards islamorada and caught the tide change. We caught a few big jacks, had a couple great barracuda bites, and then finally hooked into a nice tarpon that we landed. I heard the fish around town were a little more active this morning too, going to look for bait early and probably stick it out around the local areas if I can load up with mullet tomorrow.