Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/5/20 March Tarpon Fishing in the Everglades

Got out with Drew and Larry for the day.  We weren’t exactly planning on tarpon fishing, but it ended up being slicked out and just looked like the day for it.  I didn’t have any mullet but we had some pinfish, a few crabs, and plenty of shrimp.  Found the mother load of tarpon and we decided to let the boys cast with their own gear at tarpon.  Sure enough they were fired up!  Larry was dialed in and he hooked and landed 4 tarpon.  Drew got to pull on one at the end we hooked on a crab… swore it was a permit as we had seen hundres of permit floating by us and were trying to get a bite, got one and it screamed drag and never jumped for a bit.  But sure enough it did eventually and ended up being our 5th tarpon!  But we broke him off as a shark tried to eat him.  Finished the day with a couple dozen snook and redfish.  Just banner fishing!  Check out the YouTube video!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

Latest YouTube video up… monster bull shark tries to eat tarpon out of angler’s hands!

You won’t want to miss this.. absolute insanity! Oh yeah, and no more face grabs in water where we can’t see! Make sure to like/subscribe if you like the YouTube channel, help me keep it going.