3/20/15 Tarpon Fishing Islamorada

Tarpon were not super cooperative today.  We fished way back in the ‘glades and there were tarpon everywhere as has been the cast the last few flat calm days.  They weren’t too happy though we drifted with live mullet, crabs, and even threw some various artificials.  We had one blow up a live mullet and eat, though we didn’t hook him as the hook got twisted around.  After that we had a few boil on the artificials, and one almost jumped in the boat chasing it though not sure if he was just spooked or trying to eat or what. We did have a couple sharks eat the live mullets though they cut us off near the boat. Anyways mid day we played with the tripletails again and had fun with that.  In the afternoon we found some tarpon in one of the backcountry channels, we jumped 1 off and caught a few more sharks and that was it.  It was nice in the channel the weed in this particular one wasn’t too bad as it has been further out in the other gulf channels.  I may try that tomorrow early in the morning.  They are being finicky right now seems it’s either too crazy windy or simply too nice.  I think once the fish settle in they should start getting happier.  0 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/19/15 Everglades Tarpon Fishing Report March

Tough fishing for us today for the tarpon.  We were able to load up on bait early in the AM.  We ran into the backcountry where we’d been having good luck the last few days.  Today unfortunately the ‘red weed’ that has been plauging us off and on was everywhere – making it totally unfishable for our style of fishing.  The last few days there has at least been a window where it was not so bad and you could get your fishing in.  So we left there and ran back further towards the mainland.  We found plenty of fish free jumping and busting off the beaches.  We jumped 1 tarpon and then the sharks started to eat us alive.  Anyways we caught plenty of them, then had some good tripletail fishing, and finished up around town trying for a tarpon though no luck there but we did get a big jack crevelle and had a possible tarpon bite but not sure what it was.  0 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

3/18/15 Everglades tarpon fishing heating up

Lots of fish again today.  We had a bit of north wind in the morning, followed by it laying out to nothing, followed by some westerly wind in the afternoon, then south when we got close to home on the way in.  Couldn’t make up it’s mind.  But light breezes and the fish were thick.  The tarpon weren’t feeding very actively but were definitely around, we saw plenty of rollers and a few busting and free jumping.  We caught a couple along with a nice bull shark fishing fresh mullet.  As it did the last couple days after the tide started to really roar in, the weed got very bad and you could not longer really fish the channel.  So we finished the day with some triple tail and trout.  I’ve heard there were a lot of fish further up off the mainland and much less red weed to deal with, so may venture up there tomorrow.  2 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk