Well I got the bad mojo off finally. We caught a nice tarpon this afternoon of 85 lbs or so. Started back around flamingo again in the morning, caught some bait back there. My net got caught on an underground tree limb though, busted a couple brail lines getting it back, but still in one piece and had some mullet in it! Anyways we tried for tarpon back there for an hour in the morning, saw a few but no bites but did catch a couple of big rays. After that we bent the rod a bit with some trout and ladyfish. Then we ran back towards islamorada and caught the tide change. We caught a few big jacks, had a couple great barracuda bites, and then finally hooked into a nice tarpon that we landed. I heard the fish around town were a little more active this morning too, going to look for bait early and probably stick it out around the local areas if I can load up with mullet tomorrow.
5/26/14 + 5/27/14 Tarpon Fishing Report
Went into the backcountry the last couple days. We had a mixed bag of action each day. We did a little tarpon fishing in the mornings back there. Found a few schools of fish in some of the channels near flamingo. They weren’t very active but we did get a bite out of them each morning, unfortunately though they both came off the hooks. Plenty of action with sharks in the other channels though and as I said good mixed bag of action with other species such as trout, snook, snapper, and more. I heard some tarpon bit around town here in Islamorada this afternoon on the falling tide, may be focusing more on the tarpon again if they are getting a little more active after the lull we’ve had!
5/25/14 Memorial Day Weekend Tarpon Fishing Report
Well got back at it today had a full day and an evening trip. Fishing was tough as has been the case. Today we ran into the backcountry and caught some mullet back there first thing. We tried a few channels for tarpon, nothing in the first channel but got a couple sharks. The next channel we did see some fish though it was a little after 9 AM and the tide had just about quit. So by the time it got going good the othe way it was a little past 9:30 and that is often when it gets a bit tougher to get bites back there with those fish sometimes. Anyways we tried till about 10:15 with no action so we bent the light rods for a while with some trout. Ran further out west off the mainland and found a few tarpon out there. We caught a bunch of sharks and a cobia, though couldn’t get the tarpon to bite. I moved a few times trying to set up on them rolling, but just not interested. But we had good action with other stuff at least. Tonight was very slow, lots of jet skis, boats, and the memorial day morons out in force. Only saw a handful of fish rolling, did not see any boats hook up. We fished several spots and caught a few nurse sharks and sting rays and a big jack crevelle, but the tarpon would not cooperate. The wind picked up a nice light breeze out of the east and near sunset it looked very good, but no tarpon activity for us. Tomorrow I’m going to try to catch bait very early and run right back to where I saw tarpon today hopefully with the little bit of extra tide and earlier start we will be able to get a few bites out of them!