5/14/14 Great Islamorada morning tarpon fishing

Had a group again today.  Winds howling 25-30 mph!  Some rain around but we didn’t get wet.  We tarpon fished in the AM.  Slow start, lots of boats hitting one of the ‘dead bait’ areas i like.  Nobody hooking up so we left after an hour.  Found em good in another channel and had bites right away on live bait.  Missed our first shot then hooked one immediately after and caught it.  Large 100 lb fish.  Then we went back and after 15 mins hooked another 60 lber that we caught.  After that my guys had enough and we bent the small rods for a while catching dinner.  2 outta 3 in an hour fishing that spot – not bad!  We tried in the afternoon for the last hour of the day but not bites and did not really see any fish.


5/10/14 – 5/13/14 Tarpon Fishing Islamorada in May

Got my wordpress posts back!  I had lost everything until March sometime but glad they were able to be restored.  I’ve fished the last several days for tarpon mostly.  On the 10th we fished a morning half day.  Caught 2 nice fish fishing channel 2 bridge and the local islamorada channels.  Both of 75-85 lbs with Gary Adler.  Live mullet fishing for tarpon.  On the 11th we fished a whole day and caught a couple big tarpon as well, one 100 lbs and the other was a moose of 160 lbs or so again!  We caught them in the morning and not much other action the rest of the day, one fish flashed a bait and another ‘cheap shot’ but no bites.  Had cudas tear us up and that was it.  The 12th we didn’t give tarpon a long try but we did catch one at the end of the day and did some rod bending the rest of the day.  Yesterday we jumped a tarpon off in the morning, then did some rod bending, and came back in the afternoon and caught a nice 100 lb fish.  So may islamorada tarpon fishing is still in full swing I’m booked every day for the rest of the month.  June should still prove to be good fishing, I often start fishing the everglades more then.  Stay tuned!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


5/9/14 Morning Half Day Tarpon Fishing Trip in Islamorada

Another good morning tarpon fishing in islamorada.  Dan caught 2 out of 3 nice tarpon today.  We had a couple bites near channel 2 bridge.  One crushed a live mullet and missed the hook and the other we caught.  After an hour and a half or so the tide quit.  The wind was howling 20 knots and still pushing the water in with the weaker falling tide.  We ran back up the road and lots of boats fishing one of my favorite areas that use to not have much pressure…  We tried to squeeze in for a while, no bites and seemed not much going on then so we went over into another channel.  Saw a few fish roll and within 15 minutes we were hooked up again.  So 2 out of 3 for the morning.  Have the night off, caught some bait this afternoon, and full days for a while coming up.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk