6/17/13 Tarpon fishing in Flamingo

Well haven’t been targeting the poons for a few days, took a couple days off and the other trips I had were for other things.  But it’s been good from what I hear the boys around town said yesterday morning they bit pretty well locally around islamorada.  We went into the backcountry today looking for sharks which we actually had trouble finding.  But we did catch 1 out of 3 big tarpon back around flamingo on the middle of the in-tide.  Around 9:30 they shut off and no shark bites so we went to a hole out in the gulf.  We caught 4 big goliath groupers there and caught a nurse shark, but no other blacktips, bulls, or lemons.  However I’d rather catch big groupers and tarpons any day!!!  Same crew again tomorrow they are after smaller stuff but maybe we’ll talk them into trying for tarpon just for a little while – we loaded up on mullets this afternoon because there has been a lot more bait around this past week and a half.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/13/13 Great local tarpon fishing around islamorada, florida keys!

Well yesterday I fished a 3/4 day in the morning and a night trip.  We left out early at 5:15 AM to try to get the early tarpon bite drifting crabs locally.  We heard some fish rolling though it was flat slick calm which makes it tough to drift.  We were able to spread the baits well enough out but the fish weren’t interested.  By daylight we decided to try further down the road around channel 2 bridge tarpon fishing.  We got some fresh mullet plus I had some leftovers from the afternoon before.  We saw plenty of fish down there and set up on the last of the falling tide.  After a bit of waiting we hooked up on a dead mullet, nice 80 lb fish we fought for a good while and drug us around through the oceanside.  We caught him after 45 minutes then went back, the tide was just about to turn.  We were about to leave but it looked there was still a good body of fish around so we just adjusted positions.  We waited a good while, catching a big nurse shark and sting ray in the mean time.  Eventually we had a boil on a live bait.  Then we hooked up another big tarpon on the bottom close to 100 lbs, and had another one eat a crab on top at the same time!  Very exciting!  We lost the one on the crab, probably a good thing as it seemed to be very big too.  We caught the other one, making us 2 for 3 for the morning.  In the afternoon we caught more mullet, and really loaded up we found a big ball of them.  So we had lots of live baits and some dead too.  We fished locally and caught a big cuda, hooked one tarpon on the bottom that we fought for a bit and jumped off, and another big ray.  We moved channels then it was game on.  We went 0 for 3 really quick unfortunately just angler error not bowing to fish and rearing back on them.  Then 30 minutes later we had another good 3 bites we missed and a few other cheap shots.  Remember just reel when getting a bite on live mullet AFTER you see him grab your bait and bobber go down, then once your lines tight on the fish give it ONE good hard hookset.  After this drop your tip back down and keep your rod at a 45 degree angle and reel, don’t keep your rod stuck straight up in the air or angled behind you, reared back like your bass fishing.  Always BOW to the king when he jumps!  If he runs and surges hard, or is angling upwards, be ready to BOW as that is an indication he is going to jump.  Always keep your eyes on the fish and pay attention so you know what is going on.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/12/13 June evening tarpon fishing in Islamorada

Well the tarpon bite has been a little slow in the day time in the backcountry though a few fish were caught around town the last couple days.  We got out this evening and had some mullets and crabs for bait.  The mullet fishing has been pretty good and I even have some penned up for tomorrows trip.  We had a lot of rain and lightning around this evening though we still managed to catch 1 out of 2 tarpon on live mullets.  Tried drifting with crabs  near sunset though no luck but did see one other boat hook one.  We were glad to get the shots we had and a fish to the boat though because they didnt seem too happy with the rain and lightning around.  The june florida keys tarpon fishing should stay good in the evenings and we have falling tide so a late night trip may be a good option.  We are going at 5:15 in the morning to catch the last of the morning tide and then fish our mullets when it gets sunny out.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk