Well it was a good start to the may florida keys tarpon fishing for us. Bait was tough again – none from the commercial guys we usually buy from. I had some dead leftovers that were on their last day but proved to do the trick. We caught 1 and had 1 other bite in the first couple hours fishing them on the bottom close to home in the islamorada tarpon channels close to home. Later we found a handful of mullets in a mangrove enclosed channels, caught a few though they were spread out and moving fast with the boat traffic – but enough to get the job done. We went to channel 5 bridge tarpon fishing and caught the start of the incoming tide. One sting ray on a bottom bait, and soon after a nice 100 lb tarpon! After this we fished the patch reefs for a bit for dinner, then tried for one last big poon back nearby Bud n’ Mary’s. Luck was with us, after 45 minutes of anxiously waiting, one rod bent over and another big 100 lb tarpon came crashing out of the water. We fought him for 25 minutes and landed our 3rd and final for the day – time to come home! Rain threatened throughout the day but never really made it, though the overcast was nice and the tarpon always favor that compared to bright and sunny days! May evening tarpon fishing in Islamorada is a good bet and the tarpon start favoring crabs often in the coming weeks – stay tuned and if your looking to catch a big tarpon shoot me an email I have nights open!
Capt. Rick Stanczyk