3/20/13 Nice tarpon in the backcountry

Had some tarpon action today along with plenty of other things including black tip sharks, trout, ladyfish, jacks, and lots of nice tripetail including some nice big ones.  We caught this one on a dead mullet on the bottom which we caught fresh earlier in the morning.  Saw lots of these tarpon rolling in the channels where we were fishing, and got the bite about 10 minutes after setting up, though after that they seemed to quite down did not seem them much after that.  Oh well!  I think the tarpon should be getting thicker and thicker in the usual spring time spots, today felt like spring and was nice and flat calm.  The tarpon fishing should get more consistent with that!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


3/13/13 March Islamorada Evening Tarpon Fishing Report

Well glad to report my first islamorada night tarpon fishing charter for 2013 was a success!  We had plenty of mixed bait including cigar minnows, crabs, pinfish, and live shrimp.  The wind had swung around from the north and some cooler air was here, which usually makes things tough, but we had a few bites.  Caught 1 out of 3 fish, our successful bite on a crab.  Did have a couple others on big shrimp and cigar minnow.  Islamorada march tarpon fishing at night can be good though we have not had ideal weather thus far with the late cold fronts.  Hopefully after this weekend it will get nice and then it will be game on!  We also caught a legal gag grouper as well as a nurse shark.  Great fun on an islamorada tarpon charter!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

Everglades Tarpon Fishing

Caught a nice tarpon in the everglades today on 3/10/13.  The water was chilly… mid 60s… not ideal for tarpon.  But we managed to find a hungry one!  The fish ate a live pinfish on light tackle.  My angler battled him for an hour+ and did a great job.  The trick especially on lighter tackle is to pull AGAINST where the fish is trying to swim, not just pulling up on him.  Use the rod to battle the fish, not just the reel on an islamorada tarpon.  If he swims right, arc your rod left so the line goes directly over his back… and now your pulling directly against him and he must work much harder.  You can also (at your own risk) palm the spool of your reel (or use your thump on the line on conventional) to put additional pressure, however be careful as a fish will usually make a hard run when the feel this additional pressure and when he does, let him go (take your palm off the spool).  Always be ready to bow when he jumps to give a little slack.  Fighting a tarpon is an art especially on light tackle or fly.  Islamorada tarpon fishing in March is getting better.. night fishing is a good bet and guides are ready and willing to go – are you???

Capt. Rick Stanczyk