5/17/2024 Mid May Tarpon in the Florida Keys

Got out with return customer Howard and his buddies Brian and Ed today.  I normally don’t fish Fridays but we were able to make an exception today.  Had pretty favorable conditions light winds and a little bit of good incoming tide early on for the first hour or so with leavin the dock early.  I had bait from a couple of days ago we were able to catch and luckily many of them stayed nice and lively which was surprising for 2 days in the heat we’re experiencing now.  Fishing was good to us we found some good groups of fish early on and got a couple of bites our first two stops.  Landed a big 100 lb fish that we nearly got boatside but broke off on the leader while trying to roller her over.  Then we got a smaller fish around 60 lbs up for good pics.  After that the tide quit and a good fleet of boats had shown up.  We looked around and found a few small groups of fish but not much action out of them.  Once the tide got rolling we didn’t see a whole lot more and lots of boats were in one area that got very congested.  We decided to run back near where we had started and sure enough there were a good amount of tarpon there and no other boats.  We were able to jump around and hooked five or six more fish and landed 3 more, getting another couple up for good pictures too!  So really turned on for us and was perfect after most the boats had left the area.

Fishing still seems pretty good not quite as many fish in the area I’ve been fishing the last couple of months but still a decent amount.  I have heard some new fish have shown up some other areas too which is good to hear.  Hoping June stays productive for us… so far as so good!  July will be just around the corner and we often get some good summer time fishing for smaller resident tarpon in the 20 to 60 lb range.  If you are wanting to get out later this summer give me a shout and we’ll get it on the books!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

Tarpon fishing report early May in the Florida Keys

Just wrapped up another great week of islamorada tarpon fishing in May here.  We had fabulous weather… it’s really stabilized for May which is nice and again the forecast still looking great in the 10-day range.  Still good numbers of fish around too.  We had a tournament going on last week and it was pretty busy on the water most of this week as well.  Some days competing with 30+ boats down around the bridge.  Though we still had good fishing overall which was great!  I think we had 4-6 fish ‘technically’ landed each day this past week.  A technical catch means getting them to the wind-on leader, basically the last 20 or so foot of the line.  Though it was tough getting fish ‘rolled’ over which if you are wanting that glory picture is required.  It really takes having the fish hooked in the proper place, having the ability to really put ample and correct pressure on the fish, and a little bit of luck to get that to happen.  We are usually happy to be able to roll one fish over in a day for a good picture especially when fishing at the bridges as there is a lot that can go wrong there.  But if it easy it wouldn’t be as satisfying!  Anyways we had  good incoming tide on our morning this past week.  The bite was pretty good through that incoming, and then again on the fall in the early afternoon they rallied again.  So consistent fishing through both tides.  I will say after the tournament was over the fish did seem to settle down a little… we had a couple days last week where they were just acting crazy and you could tell the pressure had an effect on them… really making crazy runs through the bridge at high speed, doing figure 8s, etc…  So next week should be good fishing I imagine.  I did have a cancellation and could go either May 14 or 15 if someone is looking to go.  June I have a few dates left as well and of course Capt. Stephen and Capt. Trent have availability as well.  Those night trips are often a good bet in June as it starts to get into the heat of summer, being out in the early evening is just a nice time to be on the water and the bite often turns on near sunset.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

Early May Tarpon Fishing Report for Islamorada 2024

I had a busy week this week and moved some days around for one of my good clients.  So instead of fishing my typical monday, tuesday, wednesday, this week was monday, wednesday, thursday, and friday.  Monday I had one of my good customers Bill out and we had some tough weather.  It was still blowing 25 mph which it had been over the previous weekend but hadn’t laid down.  We had fairly weak tide into the wind most of the morning so we were fishing with loose line off of our bow… not much happening.  Though once the tide started in we did get some action.  Bill hooked a couple of big fish in the 150 lb class and we were able to get both of them up to the hand which was awesome.  Though we did have a monster hammerhead about 500 lbs or more come take a look at one of the fish.  He nudged it a few times but never tried to actually eat it I think the fish was too big for his liking!  Lucky for us.  Anyways still a great day to get two big fish and luckily Bill really knows how to pull on those fish so we caught them in ample time but those were the only 2 bites we had.  By Wednesday the winds had laid down nice again to 10-15 mph.  I had return customer Irv and his son Carson.  We had stronger tide and I think a lot of that had to do with the wind laying down not blowing against it so hard.  We had good fishing all through the day and I think we caught 5 tarpon and lost or missed a few others.  Also a keeper mutton snapper, a small cobia, and a goliath grouper, among other things!  Yes the ‘others’ have started to bite it seems like with May rolling around… a nice mutton snapper is always welcome!  Then Thursday and Friday I had my regular customer Gerald here with some guys from his work.  We tarpon fished both days and I will say the fish were just acting a lot more erratic than normal.  But there was a lot of fishing pressure with a tournament going on and a couple dozen boats down there all day both days.  We had good fishing I think getting 8 or 10 bites each day, but many of the fish were going through the bridges and acting super wild.  We had multiple fish on our leaders through the day which we count as a ‘caught’ fish, though not necessarily what people want if they are wanting pictures and a totally subdued fish boatside.  Though they just seemed to not be having any of that.  Finally on the second day we did get one boatside and rolled over but as soon as we got hands on her she kicked hard and broke off.  But that’s how tarpon fishing goes and getting your glory picture shot is never a guarantee!  Anyways like I said we had good action both days… a little boredom at times where we’d have a stretch without much happening.  But than you might get 2 or 3 bites in a row after a few quick moves.  Hopefully next week things might settle down if the fishing pressure dials down a little bit.  But we should be coming up on good incoming tides for the morning and the wind forecast is favorable staying light to moderate.  Back at it Monday!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina