Got out today for some more late july tarpon fishing in islamorada with Mike over from the west coast of california. We got out early and caught bait right away which was easy again. Found tarpon in the same channels as the day before, however today they weren’t very happy. We jumped around several times and just couldn’t get a bite out of them, fishing the last couple hours of incoming tide. The old saying ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ played itself out as we watched a fellow captain catch one who I had clued in on the fish the night before. Anyways that is the way the cookie crumbles! Afterwards we fished several other areas and found tarpon in one other spot but they wouldn’t eat. We caught several sharks including a hammerhead which was cool. Finally the last stop of the morning with the tide falling now, we gave it a little extra time we got a nice 80 lb tarpon. A nice way to end the day in a spot I hadn’t fished in a long time, glad it paid off! 1 for 1
7/25/16 Late July Florida Keys tarpon fishing in the Everglades
Got out today after having the last week or so off. I had some company in town so a few planned days off but it was pretty slow anyways ended up having a couple extra days too. Funny though first week of august I am slammed for 7 days in a row… go figure! Anyways I fished today and looks like a couple more trips later this week too. We got out after some tarpon the conditions were good, light winds in the morning that picked up a little in the afternoon. Bait was easy we crushed the mullets and found the tarpon thick and happy in one of the channels. We fished the last couple hours of the tide and had 7 bites and landed 4 tarpon, it was incredible. Afterwards we caught a couple goliath groupers, some big sharks, and a few trout for dinner. All in all a fabulous day! I think fishing will be very good throughout the week, I have some days off on wednesday and thursday I think which will be lobster ‘mini season.’ If you are here for that and want to go fishing it can be good as there is NO lobstering in everglades national park so you can get away from all the crazies! Anyways tomorrow I’ll likely give the tarpon a try again the conditions should be good the next few days. 4 for 7
7/15/16 July Tarpon Fishing Report in Islamorada
Got out again today the weather looked bad around town but we left early and beat it into the backcountry. It never rained back there though looked like they got some nasty weather at the dock back home. Anyways fishing was OK we had one tarpon bite to start with, got a technical release on him as he swam to us and we got the leader to the rod tip. After a few minutes of fighting he jumped and threw the hook next to the boat. We also caught a nice lemon shark and broke another one off. After that we rounded up some more bait and tried some other channels. Jumped another tarpon off straight away then caught several blacktips and bonnet head sharks. Also got a couple big ladyfish and bluefish on the bottom rods. No other tarpon bites that was all she wrote but glad to have gotten one and to get the day in! Tomorrow taking a day off after a busy week. 1 for 2