5/26/16 May Backcountry Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

Got out again today with Steve and Mark.  Fishing was a little tougher today, the wind was blowing though had laid down a little from what it was yesterday afternoon.  Though today it was hard north wind in the backcountry once we got there, not exactly what you want in May!  The wind had pushed a lot of the water out of the bay and we couldn’t quite get up to where I wanted to catch bait this morning.  We picked a few drifting in the channel but had a hard time of it.  After a little while we checked a couple other areas though didn’t see much else for catchable bait.  Luckily we had some leftovers from the previous day anyways so we got to fishing.  Didn’t have much early on though once the tide got moving we saw a few tarpon roll.  They didn’t wanna play though we did catch a couple big sharks.  After that we ran to another channel and looked for more bait on the way though no luck with that.  We fished a bit and there were tarpon here too, though again no love from them but we caught a few small sharks and big sting rays.  After that we were about out of bait and tried to catch some ladyfish in some channel runoffs, though even they didn’t want to cooperate.  We did see a few mullet as the tide fell out on the edge of the flats in the second area we looked for ladyfish.  I threw the net a half dozen more times to scrounge up a half dozen mullet – enough to fish with for a bit longer!  We found some more tarpon and Mark did get a bite out of them, unfortunately he just didn’t stay on the hook.  We did land a few more sharks and Steve got a ‘mud marlin’ sawfish which was cool.  Tough day overall though we worked hard at it things just didn’t pan out, I was glad the guys had such a good day previously with the tarpon.  Tomorrow i’m out again I  went out this afternoon looking for bait in the bay figuring with the high winds they’d be easy to catch in the muds, only there were no good looking muds!  I was able to scrounge up a few mullets from the bait guys and hopefully can catch some more in the morning, hopefully they are more cooperative tomorrow!  0 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

5/25/16 May Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

Got out today for a full day after having a much needed day off yesterday.  The winds kicked up quite a bit, blowing a good 15 mph and probably 20 mph by the time the day ended.  Anyways I had Mark and Steve out from Kentucky and they are also fishing with me tomorrow.  We left out early and caught a bit of bait in the backcountry.  Some mullet have been showing up in the usual summer time spots hopefully they stay there!  After a half hour we had enough to fish for the day with.  We jumped in some channels and had the start of the falling tide.  We soon hooked a nice 90 lb fish Mark landed pretty quickly.  Nice to get a bite straight away for sure!  After that we had a little shark action and after an hour or so we hooked another tarpon of about the same size.  He ran around a little bit more and we chased him down and got some good pictures by the boat.  After that it was Steves turn he hooked a nice lemon shark about 100 lbs or so.  Then he got his shot at a tarpon not quite as big but a nice fish none the less, a 40 lber.  After that we caught a few more blacktip sharks, a lemon, and a couple nurse sharks were mixed in there.  Action packed and didn’t have to move much all day.  We will be at it again tomorrow hopefully the fish stay put!  3 for 3

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

5/23/16 May Backcountry Tarpon Fishing Report

Today we had good fishing we left out at 7 as I had another boat with me on the trip.  We found a handful of tarpon in some channels early though not many.  No bites we caught a few sharks though.  Near 10:30 we were making our way to the gulf to switch things up and try something else, though we ran into a large school of tarpon on the way!  It was slick calm so it was easy to spot them rolling a ways away.  Anyways we were right on the slack tide it was just starting in.  As soon as it did we both got good action.  We ended up landing 3 out of 6 tarpon all in the 30 to 50 lb range.  Good fun we were glad to have found them.  Anyways I had a day off after this finally after 30+ days and lots of evenings, so enjoying that and back to the grind on Wednesday.  Will be tarpon fishing some more.  Summer time is here hopefully after this full moon the fish will settle in and it will get consistent as it should.  3 for 6

Capt. Rick Stanczyk