3/28/16 Everglades March Tarpon Fishing

Had a full day today after enjoying my 1st day off yesterday in 3 weeks!  We caught some bait yesterday afternoon so I was loaded up.  We tried locally for tarpon early and hit some of the channels and areas I saw them on Saturday morning, though today I didn’t see any at all there!  Very strange, we did catch a few sharks and a big sting ray and lost a jumbo goliath grouper into the bridges, so at least we stayed busy.  After that we went and caught some tripletails in the gulf and gave the tarpon a try back in the everglades channels.  We sat for about 40 minutes and eventually hooked a nice 60 lb fish we landed.  I was stoked and then we went off the beaches of the mainland to give it a try, didn’t see much out there but we caught about a half dozen sharks and called it a day.  Fishing isn’t real easy right now but it should get better and better, hopefully no more fronts will mess things up!  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
