Got out with Justin and Carol today down from NJ/Philly up in the northeast. Justin wanted to catch a tarpon badly and we set off to do that this morning. Got an early start like I wanted to yesterday, didn’t have the rain slow us down today thankfully. We had good tide this time and got there to find some tarpon jumping around when we pulled up. We set up and got a couple shark bites then proceeded to catch two big tarpon of about 100 lbs! Justin and Carol each got one. After that things slowed down a little, a few more sharks. We could see more fish a little further down so we moved a bit. Nothing much after that move, but we moved one more time and picked away at sharks, then Justin hooked another tarpon. We got him near the boat with the wind-on leader to the rod tip for a technical catch, though he jumped and threw the hook so didn’t get him boatside. The other fish too were wild and we had both up to the hand but they started going berserk and broke off before we could get boatside pictures. Anyways it was a great day catching three tarpon, we stopped on the way home to catch a few trout and then some more mullet for the next trip.
I was taking tomorrow off but just opened myself up for a morning trip, it’s suppose to blow like crazy but if anyone wants to go we can give it a shot. I’m also open Monday just got cancelled so if anyone is in town and wants to go fishing, drop me a line Monday will work! 3 for 3