Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/8/18 April half day islamorada bridge tarpon fishing

Got out with Buck and Carl again who fished with me the day before last.  We had a half day today fishing the local channels and bridges.  Winds let up a little bit light out of the southwest.  Not very strong tide.  Didn’t find a whole lot of fish the first few places we looked.  We found a few in one area where we tried but no bites.  Eventually got the call somebody was getting them at one of the other bridges.  We didn’t see much for activity on top but could see a few near the bridge.  We lined up and had to move around but eventually got a bite.  Carl had a nice one on but unfortunately he threw the hook.  We had the rod a little too much at a 90 degree angle and a little too much pressure on him.  We moved around again and this time Buck got one.  A nice 60 lber we had to chase around the bridge pilings for an exciting battle.  We got him to the boat several times but didn’t cooperate for a boat side picture, but an official catch none the less.  After that we didn’t get any more shots.  A handful of other fish were caught though one guy was lined up on them he caught a bunch.  But that’s how bridge fishing goes sometimes if you are the right boat in the right spot you can whack ’em, and everybody else has to watch!  Also can be annoying especially on the weekends with people fishing from the bridges too.  Anyways I’ll be back to my full day routine for the foreseeable future and fishing my usual areas.  The crowds seem to be dissipating back there thankfully!  1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

4/7/18 April Florida Keys tarpon fishing report full day

Got out with Andrew and his son Elliot for a full day tarpon fishing charter.  We headed out back where we’ve been going lately.  Lots of fish early in the channels, but many sharks as well!  We got a nice 85 lber for Elliot to start the day though.  Then some sharks.  Jumped another fish very quickly and had to move due to sharks.  Got another tarpon bite we missed again, both those bites they sucked the bait in and blew it out very quickly didn’t even feel the line get tight before they jumped and threw the bait/hook.  After that the sharks just got too bad.  We moved around and things were slow for a little while.  Long slack tide and just not nearly as many fish around as there was a few days ago.  But the wind was kicking south which I never like, definitely looked a little muddier and just not as good as it was.  We eventually got on another pack of fish and had a couple more bites.  Elliot caught one more 35 lb tarpon and jumped another.  A few more sharks and that was all she wrote.  Back at it tomorrow with my guys from yesterday.  Doing a half day so will stick around the local bridges and channels.  I heard the bite was decent there today so I don’t think it’s worth running out back for a couple hours of fishing.  2 for 5

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

4/6/18 April Full Day tarpon fishing everglades national park

Got out with Carl and Buck, both of whom fished with me last year.  We did a full day and got out early as I had bait ready to go.  We found the tarpon where they have been.  Not quite as red hot of a bite today, but we made every shot count which was nice!  We got three tarpon early, Buck had the hot stick and caught two a 50 lber and an 85 lber or so.  He then had his rod in the holder and Carl got about a 50 lber as well (nice of him)!  After that we moved around a bit.  Found a bunch of fish showing way out side of us and tried to line up on them.  They weren’t really in the mood to play though we made several moves and had nothing but sharks!  We saw one person catch one out there though but that was it out of several boats.  We moved back into another area in a different channel, and saw quite a few tarpon here too.  More sharks to start but then Carl hooked a nice 100 lb tarpon!  We fought her for a good 30 minutes and rolled her over for a picture.  After that we had a little time left and I told the boys it’d be good to reload on our mullet as I am fishing with them again Sunday.  We were able to spend a little time throwing and caught bait for the next couple days.  Back at it tomorrow!  4 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing