Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/30/16 April Tarpon Fishing Half day and Evening

This morning we fished a half day for tarpon locally.  We had the tide change early and fished around the bridges.  We did find a few fish rolling and set up on them.  We had a few cheap shots fairly quickly and did have a tarpon grab and scale the mullet but didn’t really eat it, a weak bite.  After the tide started falling we didn’t see much but saw some fish laying on the bottom.  I readjusted the boat and we got in front of them and hooked a nice mutton snapper on the bottom that a big cuda ate.  We got the cuda up to the boat and then a tarpon ate our surface bait and we cut him off quick to chase the tarpon.  Landed a nice 40 lb tarpon!  After that things slowed down we ran back near home and tried one of the local channels.  We soon had a tarpon up again after the live bait and hooked and caught him another fish of 40 lbs or so.  Fun morning glad to have gotten a couple as it’s been very tough lately not many fish around we need another push.  2 for 3

This evening I was trying to get Dean from Australia a tarpon.  We left out a little before 4 and checked some local areas not seeing much.  I ran back down to the bridge where we found them this morning.  Didn’t see much but we fished under the bridge with the last couple hours of incoming tide.  Saw a few fish roll and we had very nervous baits but never any busts or bites.  Did have a couple cudas eat us though.  Anyways we moved back into the bay and saw more fish rolling and busting here and there.  Never got a bite out of them though.  Only saw a couple fish hooked by 7:30 so it was very slow.  Then saw another 3 or so fish get hooked by 8:00 and thought it was going to start getting good, but that was about all that I saw out of the 30+ boats down there.  Anyway I put in the extra effort and we fished another channel near home staying late and finally had one crush a crab but we didn’t hook him unfortunately.  Anyways tough night but we gave it 110%.  0 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/29/16 Islamorada Tarpon Report late april

Got out for a full day today with Brian and Steven.  We were after tarpon and we were loaded with fresh mullet.  Tried a channel early and not much just a shark.  Look off the beaches later and didn’t see much there either a few tarpon busting but didn’t appear to be a ton.  We did get several sharks including a nice hammerhead.  After that we caught some trout, and then tried one last spot for the silver king.  We got a few more sharks and then Brian hooked into a nice 100 lb tarpon.  Landed him and that was all she wrote we fished a little longer but things had quieted down.  Glad to have gotten one.  1 for 1

This evening I fished Ken again who had fished me a couple days earlier this week.  Last trip we didn’t get a tarpon we had a couple bites we missed, but he had gotten one the day before among some other things.  Anyways he emailed me short notice and I was good to go and conditions were favorable so I was excited to get out.  We fished around the bridges early and got a nice fish on around 7:00.  He dragged us almost a couple miles offshore after an hour battle to some patch reefs it was incredible.  Didn’t get many good pics and he came off the hook when I leadered him but a good release of a nice 75 lb fish.  After that Ken was good to go in but I wanted to get him another one so we tried one of the channels near home for a drift and hooked up on the first one.  This fish didn’t last too long and was roughly the same size though same thing we didn’t get good pics and he came off on the leader as well.  But glad to have gotten 2 for sure especially since we didn’t get ’em last time.  2 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


4/28/16 Everglades Tarpon Fishing in April

Got out today and we ran into the backcountry for some tarpon fishing.  Caught some good bait early in the morning so we had some freshies.  We set up in the channels and caught the last of the incoming tide.  Not much early a couple shark bites as we waited on the tide to switch which took a while as it was a weak current.  Finally around 9:15 it was moving decent and going out and we soon hooked a nice tarpon.  Landed him a big 130 lb fish!  After that we waited a bit more and then boom boom, we jumped two smaller fish in the 30-50 lb range right in a row.  Could of been a double header!  After that we waited a little more and then hooked and landed a nice 50 lber.  That was it on the tarpon we caught a few more sharks after that and some nice trout to finish the day.  Nice to see them biting a little bit.  Conditions look very nice and I think the fish should be getting happier and maybe will be in summer time mode here before we know it!  2 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk