Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/7/16 half day islamorada tarpon fishing charter

Had a morning and an evening trip today.  This morning we got bait good early and I loaded up and headed out.  The morning bite was slow we saw plenty of fish though they were unresponsive, kind of similar to the previous day.  The wind had really slicked out as well.  Later in the morning we eventually had a tarpon flash and crush a mullet, but not an aggressive eat where we got the hook in him.  We moved around a few times and eventually once the tide slowed they did start biting a little, several boats around us hooked up and I moved with my trolling motor into ‘the zone’ and we soon hooked up ourselves.  I put in a little overtime but we finally got a good fish to make the morning.

This evening the bite was much better we had a ripping falling tide, about as hard as I’ve seen it fall out.  The west wind was a light breeze but behind the tide pushing it harder.  We had two bites in the first hour though both fish jumped off after several seconds it was hard to keep them on in the hard ripping tide I think.  Later we moved near a bridge and we had some cheap shots, several flashes on the baits.  We had another decent bite we didn’t hook the fish though, and finally I dragged over with the trolling motor again and we got a bite while moving.  We hooked the fish and what a fight I had to float the rod through the bridge though we landed the fish.  No pictures today as I was playing with the bridges on both fish landed and didn’t have the time nor skill to also hold a camera.  1 for 2 and 1 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/6/16 Islamorada full day tarpon fishing report

Got out again for a full day tarpon fishing with same crew from last night Dennis and Allen.  It started off slow the wind was howling and current ripping.  We tried a few spots but didn’t see much a few fish roll in a couple spots but no activity.  I had been in touch with a few other guides and it was a similar report.  We finally set up near one of the bridges and as the tide slowed a hair the fish start to respond.  We had lots of cheap shots and did finally hook a fish but we jumped him off soon after.  The few boats around us had similar activity everyone got a bite or so and lots of cheap shots.  After the tide quit we left and caught some more mullet and then caught the start of the falling tide in another area.  The fish were there and as soon as I put the baits out, we had a couple tarpon up immediately and hooked a nice 100 lber and had another one trying to eat the other bait!   This fish was a beast and took us in and out of the bridge pilings like he knew what he was doing.  Luckily I had the trolling motor down and we used that to make quick turns around the different pilings, some how managed not to slam into anything.  Eventually he made his way into the open water and up in the shallows and we landed him.  He cooperated and we were able to jump in with him and get some pictures as you are not allowed to boat tarpon any longer though once in a while in the right spot you can jump in and hold them in the water.  After that we hooked another nice fish though he ran out a lot of line and got tons of grass on there, while removing it we got a bit of slack in the line and got tip wrapped and broke him off.  After that we had several more cheap shots but no real takes, anyways lots of activity it was definitely exciting and glad to have gotten one up especially with the great picture!  1 for 3

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


4/5/16 Morning and Evening half day tarpon trips

This morning I had Jeff and crew from CDW they’ve come for several years to fish with Bud n’ Mary’s.  They wanted dinner but I had some tarpon bait and fishing was good yesterday so we gave it a shot first.  We hooked up a nice smaller fish at the bridge on the incoming tide and landed him.  We normally do not boat tarpon but if they are under 40 inches you are still allowed to so I got a good hold of his head and belly and lifted him gently for a quick pic before release.  After that we gave it a little longer and then decided to go catch our dinner.  1 for 1

This evening fishing was tough the wind laid out flat and we had the last of the weak falling tide.  We saw some fish at a bridge and moved around a bit trying to line up on them.  They didn’t seem to want to respond but eventually we got one to eat.  We landed him a nice 60 lb fish.  After that the tide really quit and started to come in slowly.  We ran over a group of about 500 fish when we switched spots so I stopped and gave it a little while.  We had tarpon finning and literally passing right underneath our bobbers.  But they were not interested we had a few sharks bite us off.  Then at the end of the night I moved one more time and we had some fish at least give us some cheap shots but wouldn’t commit to eat the bait, and another shark stole a bait away out from under a tarpon.  Anyways was glad we got one several other boats fishing I know didn’t have any luck this night.  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk