Well yesterday I had just a half day and we caught some snappers for dinner and a couple other things. Fishing wasn’t easy we had the last couple of days with hard southwest winds due to the rain storms around. Today things were much nicer it was a light southwest wind and no rain. I had leftover bait and we ran right to the channels to try some tarpon fishing. We jumped one fish off after about 30 minutes and caught a shark. Saw a few tarpon rolling but not a whole lot. Eventually we ran out off the beaches to try and moved around a little but finally found a few fish. I didn’t have a whole lot of bait but we were able to catch two and jumped another one off. A few more sharks as well. Things got very hot again today hopefully doesn’t hurt the fishing. We did find a pile of mullet on the way home too. Tomorrow I have a half day just rod bending, and then out of town for a week or so. 2 for 4
Capt. Rick Stanczyk
7/26/15 Islamorada Tarpon Fishing Report late July
Well we got rained out yesterday I did get booked but it looked too bad to make the 20-30 mile run into the backcountry so we cancelled. Today I had the same guys and we made it out but things were still a little nasty. Lots of weather around and blowing hard west in the morning then swung around south. Bait was tough I tried two areas and didn’t see much and we finally saw a few on the flat in a mud and were able to get a couple dozen. Saw a good handful of tarpon busting on edge of the flat of one of the channels and we set up there, though could not get any action out of them. Literally had fish rolling on top of our baits a half dozen times but they would not eat. So eventually I moved into the channel and not much, not even much for sharks. Finally jumped again further out of the channel mouth and we had a couple bites from tarpon. Unfortunately they both came unbuttoned right away. We caught a few more sharks and then ran out of bait. I caught bait pretty good after that mid day since it was overcast and we tried some other channels but the rain soon chased us back towards home. It wasn’t too bad there so we fished the last hour close by, but unfortunately no luck there with the tarpon. Tough day but we worked hard at it and had some shots, but you just don’t always connect. Tomorrow I’m just snapper fishing for a half day (hopefully) if we can get out. 0 for 2
7/24/15 Everglades Tarpon Fishing in July out of Islamorada
Got back on track today had a 3/4 day we left out early. Just barely made it past the rain and lightning that enveloped islamorada as we were leaving. But it wasn’t bad for us just a little drizzle. Got on the bait pretty good and managed to catch a few dozen. We saw some tarpon rolling in a local channel nearby the bait area, and after yesterday I decided to give it some time there. Not much activity for the first hour we saw fish rolling nearby and even right by our baits, but just not interested. Finally after I was a few minutes from reeling up and moving on, we hooked a nice 70 lb fish and landed him. We went back to where we were sitting and within a few minutes hooked another larger fish of 85 lbs or so. He fought a little harder and drug us through the channel into various places. Saw quite a few tarpon come up as we fought him so a big body of them must have moved in. Anyways we landed him eventually and then set back up again. After a little while we had another thump and reeled a little bit, and another 40 lb tarpon came up flying. He was hooked good we landed him and that was pretty much it for the day, incoming tide died after that and it was about time to head home. We also caught a few sharks, including lemon, blacktip, atlantic sharpnose, and nurse. Great day! No trip yet as of yet for tomorrow, but may go fun fishing. Will be going out of town next week mid-week for a little bit then back at it in early august. 3 for 3