Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/16/15 June Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report

Well after a couple days off I was back at it again today.  We caught bait early and whacked em good plenty of bait for the day in one throw!  We set up in some channels with the falling tide and it was fairly calm.  Saw a few fish roll but they weren’t super happy.  Eventually we got our bite and landed a nice 55 lb tarpon.  We sat for a while longer and the grass was pretty bad making it semi-tough to fish.  Eventually we hooked another fish and got him to the boat on the leader before he jumped off.  After that I decided to move and we ran out to the beaches looking for fish.  We found a good pack and caught one on the tide change.  After that it was game on with the start of the incoming tide we caught 4 more tarpon in about 2 1/2 hours!  Crazy bite everything that hit the water plus several sharks too.  We ended up landing all 7 bites we had which is my best day this year!  4 tarpon to the hand, and the other 3 we got next to the boat before they jumped and threw the hook but technical releases!  Jack and Jay had a blast and tarpon was what they were down here to catch.  Summer time fishing is as good as it gets right now and July and August can be very good too, sometimes better than the ‘prime time’ of March thru May plus you get the fishery all to yourself sometimes like we did today.  Look me up I have dates open in July!  7 for 7

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/13/15 More Great June Tarpon Fishing in the Florida Everglades

Fishing was good again today I had plenty of bait leftover from yesterday.  We left out early and fished close to start.  Hooked a big 150 lb tarpon though unfortunately he got under the boat and we weren’t able to get the rod out and around the bow quickly enough before the line caught on something and snapped.  After that we ran in the backcountry to regroup and fish.  We got in the tarpon good and hooked up fairly quick.  We ended up catching 4 out of another 6 bites there plus several different kinds of sharks!  It was fantastic fishing.  By 11:00 it was pretty much over we tried a couple other spots and just a couple more sharks bites was all.  But good fishing back there with the start of the incoming tide early.  I have tomorrow off and was cancelled for Monday so I may have two days off – going to relax I need a break!  Though it is tough when I know fishing has been this good 🙂  4 for 7

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

6/12/15 Everglades June Tarpon Fishing

More good tarpon action today we caught bait early and hit the channels.  First stop we had the last of the outgoing tide.  Saw a fish roll and we put out our baits and soon enough he was on!  A small 35 lb fish but lots of fun.  We caught a variety of sharks too not bad for the first hour of fishing.  Once the tide quit we ran further west to catch the start of the incoming tide.  We set up and soon enough we had some shark activity, then another nice tarpon of about 60 lbs.  We landed him and soon after jumped another fish off, then caught another one of about the same size.  Then several more nurse sharks and a big lemon shark.  After that we caught a few blacktip sharks in another channel, no more tarpon action.  Finished up bending the little rods with some various critters.  Great day!  3 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk