Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/6/15 April Florida Keys tarpon fishing report

Caught a few baits early this morning. Bait has been very tough the last few days. Commercial boats crushing the big schools of mullet. Should get better but have to work at it. Anyways we went in the Everglades and caught 1 out of 2 tarpon. Big fish 170 lb. Some sharks too. Then went to the bridges and had a few cheap shots but no solid bites. Finished up with dead bait off a bank and had a few more sharks. A boat nearby did have a couple tarpon bites. Anyways will be at it again tomorrow. 1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


4/5/15 Everglades tarpon fishing in April

Had bait leftover from yesterday. Thankful for that because there wasn’t much bait around at all today. We caught 2 out of 3 tarpon and a few big sharks in the backcountry. Saw a decent amount of fish but hopefully more will show up back there with the nice weather. 2 for 3


4/4/15 April islamorada tarpon fishing report

I’ve been without a computer so tough to update. But here is one from my phone. Last few days fishing was tough for me. We went in the backcountry and plenty of shark action. But only 3 tarpon bites in last 2 days we missed all 3 unfortunately. Today we made up for it. We caught 4 out of 7 tarpon on live and dead bait. Live bait bites were funny no busting or cheap shooting, they simply ate and ran! We had action in 4 different spots we fished on both incoming and falling tide. April is getting back to normal hopefully the weather stays nice. 0 for 2. 0 for 1. 4 for 7.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
