2025 Tarpon Season Outlook

Here you can read our latest fishing reports.  I try to keep this section updated regularly when we are tarpon fishing consistently.  Though remember in the off season we may not be fishing as much or we may be targeting other things.

We’re almost to February and that’s when we start catching some tarpon again somewhat consistently. There have been some around this January and we actually caught them on a few different occasions. The water was still pretty cold by general tarpon standards, in the mid 60 degree range. But we had a few flat calm, sunny days and the tarpon were out there flopping around and doing there spring-time thing. Anyways I feel as long as we get some warm, calm weather any time now they’ll likely be around. You just can’t bank on that though in January, but we should see more of it come February.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

Mid March Tarpon Update in Islamorada

Well we’re half way into March and in the midst of Spring Break!  It’s really busy and everybody’s fishing which is good for those that do it for a living, as we had a little slower than normal off season.  So what’s going on with fishing?  Well the tarpon bite unfortunately has been a little tough the last couple of weeks.  We’ve been a little spoiled in recent years with often epic early season fishing.  This year however things have been a little different.  There are plenty of fish showing up but they haven’t been responding as well as we’d like.  For one thing there had been a ton of pressure on them early on.  I know days even in February that were nicer we were seeing fleets of 20+ boats on the migratory fish which in years passed you never saw that many boats in February especially.  Also now we’re starting to have more late cold fronts which of course they’ve never liked.  Now with the fronts its tricky I’ve noticed the past few years a mild front even with the water temperature getting into the high 60s, the fishing could still be decent and you could have a shot at catching a few tarpon.  This year even on the ideal calm, nicer days you are grinding for a handful of bites to catch that.  And on the days with tougher winds directions (south/southwest), or where it’s gotten cold or what not, you are lucky to scratch out a bite or two.  So the early season bite this year has taken a lot of work and patience.  Now for those of you coming later in April, May, and even June this might be good news as the fish overall may not have been beaten up too much.  Also I’ve noticed many less boats in recent weeks as we’ve had those late cold fronts and I think with the bite being tough anyways many anglers are targeting different things.  So results from some of my recent trips, late February we had a great day on the 27th landing 3 tarpon.  Conditions were nice and calm that day and not too cold, but we did grind all day for 4 bites to catch those 3.  Though we did catch a double header after 3 hours without a sniff from a tarpon so that goes to show you just have to keep at it some days.  March 3 I had Cody out.  We had a bit of a northerly wind and cooler temperatures though not super cold.  The tarpon were out there in force early on and we saw lots of jumpers and rollers nearby where we set up.  We hooked a nice fish within the first 30 minutes that put on a great show and we were able to get up for good pictures.  I thought we’d of had more action after that but that was our only bite and we fished hard the next 4 hours or so.  But glad to have gotten that one!  Earlier this week on the 10th I had Irv out one of my regulars whose fished at Bud n’ Mary’s for decades and has had some very good fishing with me in the last 7 or 8 years.  Today unfortunately we had a prefrontal conditions with a stiff southwest breeze.  The tarpon were out there and showing decently well but were just totally unresponsive.  We were about the only boat out there and grinded hard for a few hours with only a couple sharks to show for it.  We decided to run back towards home and try some of the local channels.  Didn’t see a whole lot locally but we did find a few packs of fish.  No response out of them unfortunately we even had one we consistently marked next to the boat, but she just didn’t want to bite.  Now we had the front come in the next day and temperatures dropped back into the high 60s.  I looked for tarpon a few days ago and we never even saw them out there I think the hard winds and cool off blew them out offshore, so we ended up doing other stuff which was OK and actually caught a small juvenile tarpon while doing that.  So the following day I had Dave out and he really wanted tarpon so I told him it may be tough but he was game.  We found them offshore a little further out and had to put time in.  But after a few hours and a few sharks we hooked a monster near 200 lb fish that we chased for miles!  Lots of jump and erratic behavior and we had her boatside near rolled over for a pic but a shark came and made her nervous so when she bolted off I broke her off so she wouldn’t get eaten.  We got some good jump shots and such and Dave was thrilled and didn’t want the fish to die either.

So all in all there you have it… as mentioned it’s often been a grind but I never mind that I just like to explain to my customers what it may be like as there are no guarantees with tarpon especially.  But things should get much better as we get near April and the cold fronts stop or at least become less severe.  I’m out of town this coming week for Spring Break but will be back at it at the end of the month.  Hopefully thing will turn around by then.  If you want to get out fishing give me a shout, Capt. Trent and Capt. Steve have days available and are offering night trips some already too.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

2/25/2025 Late February Tarpon Fishing Florida Keys

Got out with Kurt and his sons today for a 3/4 day tarpon trip.  We had some weather over the weekend… a cold front came in and stiff north breeze.  Didn’t get super cold but it did drop the water temperature down to the high 60s in parts of the bay so it definitely cooled off from what it was.  I had heard fishing was pretty tough back in the backcountry overall with that near 10 degree temperature drop in the water.  Today it had gotten nicer though we still had bit of a northwest breeze and on the chillier side with water temps in the low 70s.  The guys wanted tarpon so we went on the hunt for mullet as we were starting from scratch.  Found a few nearby that we kept live and then ran around in the bay looking for some muds.  We keep our eyes peeled for bombing birds and sure enough we saw a bunch of them in a cut on a nearby flat going crazy bombing.  We dropped in and made a couple throws and had more mullet than we knew what to do with.  I decided to fish locally around town as I wasn’t sure about making the long run in the backcountry especially with the conditions being a little strange.  We found some fish around the bridges but they weren’t too happy.  We did catch quite a few large jack crevelles though.  The tarpon were definitely there but just not responsive.  Once the tide quit coming in we made a run back towards home and fished the local channels where the tide had already started falling.  We found a good group of tarpon in one channel and set up and hooked one in about 30 minutes.  Nice 80 lber we got boatside but didn’t quite want to roll over for us.  After that we found some more in that same area and we hooked a 140 lb big fish!  Same thing got her boatside and almost rolled over but she made one kick of her tail and popped, but we were able to get some pics of her next to the boat at least.  The boys were stoked to have each caught a big tarpon!  Weathers getting more stabilized now and no fronts on the horizon so we should have some good fishing for tarpon the next week or two I think.  If you want to get out there give us a shout we have trips available and evening trips are an option as well especially if you are wanting to cherry pick the conditions.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

2/18/25 February Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada update

Well last week we fished three days for tarpon out back.  On Monday we had nice northeasterly wind and I had Jan out.  We hooked a half dozen tarpon and landed 3 big ones, getting one up to the boat for pictures!  He was super excited and we put that big one on the wall for him with Grays Taxidermy.  Great day overall.  Now the following day the wind swung around and was blowing hard out of the south… a good 20 mph and it was ‘full moon’ too.  It was like somebody flipped the switch and it was rough out there and the tarpon were not happy.  We grinded hard for 4 hours and never had a bite out of the tarpon.  Not sure if it was the wind, moon, or combination but they weren’t having it.  Tried some pinfish too and no luck.  We ended up jumping in the creeks and caught a handful of snook and redfish to at least make something happen.  Two days after that it was still blowing south but only 10 mph so much nicer.  We got out there and hooked 3 tarpon in the first 30 minutes or so.  They all came off the hook unfortunately but at least they seemed to be biting right?  Wrong.  After that they did a complete shutdown again and we fished hard for several more hours only to catch a handful of sharks.  We did pick a half a dozen snook at the end of the day at least to do something.  I took the long weekend off and was back at it today on Tuesday.  It was slick calm and I heard yesterday was decent fishing back there.  Tons and tons of fish as far as you could see and they were literally bouncing off the boat.  But again not biting great.  I think the other 20 boats out there may have had something to do with it… I think they’ve been feeling the pressure.  We kept at it and jumped around, moved a couple of miles away from the crowd, and low and behold we hooked a double header!  Caught both fish though unfortunately one got sharked before we could get a picture and that ended that.  We caught one more tarpon an hour or so later and then also got a nice 27 inch tripletail and a 35 inch bull redfish.  So all in all a great day but had to work for those handful of tarpon bites.  So lots of fish out there but not always easy but I think it’ll get better as conditions continue to stabilize and maybe once the fishing pressure lets up a little bit.  Another front this weekend but not suppose to get cold just a little windy, I think that will give them a break out there and maybe lead to some better response!  We’ve got days available if you are looking to fish give us a shout!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina