Ran back into the everglades today to give the tarpon fishing a try. We had slick calm weather in the morning and the start of the incoming tide. We caught some mullets very early and made our way back there. Saw some fish in the first channel we stopped in things looked right and they were biting a bit. We hooked and landed 3 tarpon from 40 to 80 lbs plus a few sharks. Nice to have them so cooperative! After that the wind kicked up a little northeast and we ran and tried another area. Nothing but sharks there but some good size blacktips. After that I tried a little area I’ve only fished a few times but have caught tarpon there before. There were some fly fishing guys poling nearby so I snuck around them and got set up. We saw a few tarpon roll and had a couple sharks bite us off, but soon hooked another 80 lb tarpon that we landed! Such a pretty spot to catch one at too. After that we tried some channels near flamingo and saw a few busts, not sure what they were. But we ended up landing about a 200 lb tiger shark which was very cool to see that far up into the bay. Anyways a great day! 4 for 4
4/15/16 Florida Keys Night Tarpon Fishing Report
Got out this evening for the silver king. We fished 6 to 10. Had the last of the incoming tide with it slicked out, not much wind. I tried an area I hadn’t fished at all really this year and we saw a few fish rolling around. I moved and got lined up on them and we put our baits out. Had a couple sharks early on. After 45 minutes we finally hooked and landed a nice 90 lb tarpon. After that the tide quit and we moved back into the other channels to fish our crabs at dark. As the tide started falling and the sun went down the tarpon got very active. We had 3 bites on our first drift, jumping off the first two fish and then landing the last one about a 80 lb fish. After that we made three more drifts, on the last drift we had something crush our crab but not sure what it was. Anyways glad we were there while they were fired up and always good to catch a couple tarpon! Full day tomorrow though I may consider fishing a late evening again as I have an opening sunday, will take whatever trip comes first! 2 for 4
4/14/16 Tarpon Fishing in April Florida Keys
Had a full day today with Paul and his brother they also had me booked for tomorrow. Fishing was tough today we found tarpon everywhere we went but they were not responding well. Lots of fish in the morning but no love at all, tried several places and we had one boil on a bait that was it. Mid day we ran down towards the marathon bridges to fish and we did hook a nice fish by the bridge but the hook broke and we lost him. We caught some big mangrove snappers and a couple groupers which was cool. After that in the bay we found some tarpon and had a flash on a bait, but the fish didn’t eat. I told the guys maybe instead of going tomorrow we could go later this evening so we ended up doing that going at 6 PM. Fishing was good we caught a nice fish in the first hour then when the tide started falling and it got dark it got very good. We had a tarpon bite on each drift fishing our crabs and landed 2 out of 3 more fish, including a 110 lb for Paul. So overall a good day had to work hard at it but felt good to put them on fish. Tomorrow I have off now but may fish a trip late tomorrow night. 0 for 1 and 3 for 4