Winds laid down nicely last night and it was just a breath of breeze out of the northeast this morning. The temperature didn’t drop too much again it was a little chilly but nothing like the previous morning. Anyways the tarpon bit well for return customer Zeb and his family. We left very early and fished in the dark but we hooked up right away and ended up landing 3 out of 5 fish. It was great to be there when they were chewing after some long trips with only a shot or two a trip! Around 7:00 however though it was all over with we fished until 8 and had a few fish rolling right near our baits but they didn’t show interest any longer but as they say the early bird gets the worm! I did hear that at least one boat was having a good day today as well which is nice to hear, the day time fishing has been very off this year which is why I’ve been doing earlier mornings/later evenings. I always suggest if you are serious about catching tarpon, it’s important to be flexible in that regard. 3 for 5
Almost forget I also fished last night it was a little breezy out of the northwest still though it flattened out around 6:00. We didn’t see much around the big bridges as far as fish went. We came back up around town and the tide was falling until 8:00 or so which was good. We fished a couple spots didn’t see much in the first area, one fish rolled we tried to get in front of though no response. Though we went in one of the other channels and tarpon everywhere! No response though right at sunset around 7:50 one finally bit a crab. We landed him by 8:05, glad to have gotten one. The report was the same for most the fleet, a few guys caught them but not until near the end of the night. Though many reported seeing fish on the local channels which is good to hear – why I made my early morning move the way I did! 1 for 1
Capt. Rick Stanczyk