Capt. Rick Stanczyk

7/2/18 July Tarpon Fishing Full Day in the Everglades

Got out with Jason and his sons Brendan and Brody today.  They fished with me several years ago and had a great time.  We left out early today and made a run into the deep ‘glades.  The tarpon fishing around the other normal summer areas had slowed down a little the last few days as we had some nasty southerly winds.  Today it was back northeast but I figured i’d give it another day to settle out and wanted to see what was way back there.  The guys were down to try and we made our run.  Found a big group of tarpon early and we set up.  Brody hooked up straight away.  He fought the fish well and we got a technical release as we got the wind-on leader to the tip, but he charged away from the boat afterwards and ended up jumping and throwing the hook.  After that the tarpon really dissappeared.  It was amazing as we were surrounded by fish but they up and left within 20 minutes or so.  We did move around and managed to get another one for Brendan.  This one we got to the boat for some pictures.  After that though it went real quiet.  That’s why I get up and go early sometimes it can change in a hurry on you especially in this area.  After that we tried a few snook spots with no luck.  Then we ran into the gulf and had the right conditions for some permit fishing.  We managed to catch a couple permit which was very nice, and a few jack crevelle and sharks on our light tackle.  Great day!  I’m back at it tomorrow but sounds like I have a family style trip and they don’t want to leave early, so may be more generic rod bending and some sharks, but maybe we’ll get lucky and get a tarpon.  2 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

7/1/18 July Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

Got out for a full day today with tarpon on the list.  We headed out early and looked around in a couple of the spots where I had seen fish yesterday.  Yesterday of course things had gotten tough after being so good for a stretch.  South wind had kicked up and coming off the full moon and many of the fish had just split.  Anyways we did not see much in the first couple stops, caught a few sharks.  We then tried a spot where we didn’t see much at all.  But after 30 minutes or so and a few sharks, we hooked a nice 75 lb tarpon!  Great fight and jumps, quite the acrobat.  We got her boatside but she darted under the boat and cut us off before we could get good pictures, but a legal catch none the less on the leader.  After that we saw a few more fish at the channel mouth where a few guys were fly fishing.  We tried to sneak in as politely as possible, and were able to but we did not get a bite and then we left.  We mixed it up after that catching a few snapper and trout.  We then caught some pilchards and caught a nice snook and missed a couple more.  Then we hit a gulf spot and got some nice trout, jacks, a few small cobias, and saw a ton of permit but unfortunately we didn’t have any live bait for them!  Tried throwing some artificials which they looked at but didn’t bite.  Anyways that was awesome to see and I’m definitely keeping a handful of crabs in the live well now again if we happen across the bad boys.  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing

6/30/18 June Tarpon Fishing Full Day in Islamorada

Got out with Chris and Davis today for a full day charter for tarpon fishing.  The guys had been following me online and were excited about fishing.  Unfortunately the fish didn’t cooperate very well today.  We had the winds kick up a bit out of the south south/west, not a great direction.  Not crazy wind but blowing a solid 15 mph in the morning.  Also we are near the full moon which so far hadn’t seemed to bother the daytime bite too much.  Anyways we got back to the fishing grounds and caught some bait.  Bait was very easy we got a big load of it, the easiest it’s been in a while for me.  We then ran to check out some of the channels.  I looked in the areas where we’d been fishing the last several days.  Today though there just wasn’t anything there…  We looked and fished and did eventually see one tarpon roll, but no bite.  We did get a big old triple tail though which was cool and a few sharks.  We left out of there and tried some other channels where some fish had been a week ago.  Not much there today though just some more sharks.  We looked in some areas and fished in few, and nothing.  We kept moving and got into another area where we finally did see a handful of tarpon.  But we had some weak tides and the tide was already starting to die out on us.  The sharks ate us up and then I gave the boys an option of trying some other fishing since it didnt’ seem to be working out.  Davis said he wanted to stick it out though since they got to catch trout and such at home.  I said OK and we decided to look back where we had been earlier.  The winds had laid out somewhat and the tide was starting to change again.  We saw a tarpon roll in one of the channels, and then set up and saw several more!  I was excited it was what we’d been waiting for all day.  However it just didn’t happen.  We moved around several times, and definitely were in some fish.  I even stayed an extra 30 minutes to try and make it happen but the fish were just not into it.  Anyways we caught a few more sharks and a sting ray and that was it for the day.  I talked to several other guides who fished locally and in the backcountry and they all had tough days with the tarpon, nobody I talked to had caught one.  Anyways it can change in a hurry sometimes.  The guys still had a great time and were a pleasure to fish with and said they’d be coming back.  Hopefully things get easier I think the winds suppose to lay off again and get nice and calm like it had been so that should help.  0 for 0

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing