Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/19/16 Islamorada Tarpon Report

Well more wind and chilliness today we had a stiff northeast breeze blowing 25 mph today.  Fishing was tough we got rained on trying to catch bait I ended up buying some from the bait boys.  We saw quite a few fish early in the channel where we found them yesterday, though no bites today.  We saw some fish around the bridges, and a handful were caught, though only about 5 boats out of 15 or so had any bites.  We moved to another bridge and had a few cheap shots.  Fish coming up and busting or flashing the bait, but not committing to eating it!  We had one fish scale a bait though I wouldn’t even consider it a bite.  Very frustrating I had very nice customers and would of loved to get them a fish.  Anyways tough day worked very hard and moved around a lot trying to find some hungry fish, but they wouldn’t respond to us.  First day in a while I haven’t even had a bite, but it happens!  0 for 0

Fished this evening with return customer Frank and his family.  I was a little worried after the slow fishing today but things were a little more active.  It started off slow but as the tide turned and it got a little closer to sunset things turned on around 6:00.  We had several cheap shots and jumped off a fish on the bottom rod.  Caught a big nurse shark.  Then finally got a tarpon to eat a live bait and Frank caught a nice 50 lb tarpon.  Very happy to get a fish tonight I didn’t see anyone else get a bite and only hear of one other boat that caught one.  1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


4/17/16 + 4/18/16 Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada

4/17/16 – I had the day off and fished this evening.  In the morning I went out and caught some bait that was pretty good but had to work to find them.  The wind was howling today it started blowing 25-30 mph out of the east after being nice and calm the day before.  On the evening we stayed local and tried the channels we saw fish just about everywhere but tough to get them to respond.  We didn’t have any bites first stop, caught a big nurse shark.  Second stop we did have a fish up and he flashed on the bait and grabbed the mullet and scaled it, but never got the hook.  After that a cuda ate us off on the bottom rod.  We moved again and had a couple tarpon almost free jump in the boat, but no bites out of them.  Caught a few more sharks and by 7:45 my anglers were ready to call it a night and grab dinner.  I offered to even stay later I really don’t like striking out, but it happens and unfortunately this year it’s been happening a little more often than I like but fishing has been a little tougher this April.  0 for 1

4/18/16 – I had Steve, Nick, and Craig from the UK.  Steve fished with me last year.  We got on a nice big tarpon early for Craig he landed about a 120 lb fish in the first couple hours!  After that we made our way around the bridges and the tarpon were biting pretty good.  About 10 boats there and I think just about all of them caught at least one fish.  We hooked another one right when we got there and Steve landed a nice 70 lb fish.  After that Nick had a couple bites but we missed them and a few more cheap shots.  When the tide quit we tried another bridge and then the local channels around islamorada, however we never had any more tarpon action.  It seemed to really die down I talked to several people and sounded like the morning bite was it I saw one other fish caught in the channel in the afternoons.  Anyways happy to get two especially this year!  2 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/16/16 Everglades Tarpon Fishing in April

Ran back into the everglades today to give the tarpon fishing a try.  We had slick calm weather in the morning and the start of the incoming tide.  We caught some mullets very early and made our way back there.  Saw some fish in the first channel we stopped in things looked right and they were biting a bit.  We hooked and landed 3 tarpon from 40 to 80 lbs plus a few sharks.  Nice to have them so cooperative!  After that the wind kicked up a little northeast and we ran and tried another area.  Nothing but sharks there but some good size blacktips.  After that I tried a little area I’ve only fished a few times but have caught tarpon there before.  There were some fly fishing guys poling nearby so I snuck around them and got set up.  We saw a few tarpon roll and had a couple sharks bite us off, but soon hooked another 80 lb tarpon that we landed!  Such a pretty spot to catch one at too.  After that we tried some channels near flamingo and saw a few busts, not sure what they were.  But we ended up landing about a 200 lb tiger shark which was very cool to see that far up into the bay.  Anyways a great day!  4 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk