Capt. Rick Stanczyk

7/23/15 July Everglades tarpon fishing report Florida Keys

Tried for tarpon again today.  We got out early at 6 and had to dodge a bit of weather.  I had plenty of bait leftover from the last couple days.  Had the lame weak incoming tide this morning.  Unfortunately for several hours too.  Did not see any fish early and no bites we tried a couple channels and then off the beaches where we found the big pack of them yesterday.  But today it was a different story did not see any fish at all, no jumpers or rollers, nothing.  When the tide slacked I ran up and down and looked for fish but just didn’t see much.  We tried moving around a couple times and tide eventually started falling, but just sharks.  We did catch a nice little hammerhead, a big lemon shark, and several blacktips and sharpnoses.  Last spot I tried had been one of my go-to afternoon spots the last couple weeks, but couldn’t get a bite there either.  We did eventually see one fish finally roll though we had run out of bait.  We finished the day catching a few nice trout and mangrove snappers.  Anyways slowest day of tarpon fishing I’ve had in a long time – you gotta have one some time.  Amazing with not much of a change in conditions it could go from full contact yesterday to hardly a scale to be seen today.  Anyways 3/4 day tomorrow we will likely try some different areas hopefully can find a few!  0 for 0

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

7/22/15 July Everglades Tarpon Fishing Report

We got chased around by the weather today.  Some big storms in the backcountry near the mainland, they just kept slowly growing.  We were able to run through and fished off the beach and were able to get on the other side of it.  Luckily it never got back on top of us though I could see some lightning in the far distance.  Anyways the tarpon didn’t mind first stop the tide was just getting slack and not much activity.  But we ran further up the way and caught the start of the falling tide.  Soon after some shark activity and then we hooked a nice 85 lb tarpon.  A good battle and we returned and jumped 3 more fish were not able to get the hooks in them.  We moved a little ways away where I saw a few fish starting to roll and jump, and we then proceeded to catch 3 more tarpon and a variety of sharks including a big lemon shark.  Great day for my anglers!  4 for 8

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


7/21/15 Tarpon Fishing Report in Late July Islamorada

Well today took my wife, dad, and manager of the marina Stephen Byrd out fishing after being off for a few days.  We were targetting snook and redfish.  We had a ball catching double digit snook and a half dozen redfish, plus a few other things.  Though on the way out we came across some big balls of mullet in the gulf so we had some tarpon bait.  We decided to try and catch Stephen a tarpon to complete his backcountry SLAM (redfish, snook, tarpon).  Anyways we stopped off the beaches on some numbers I like for the last 20 minutes, and within about 10 minutes we hooked a nice 40 lb fish and he caught it on the last of the falling tide.  Great way to end the day!  I am booked for the next few days then going out of town at the end of the month for a little bit.   August is right around the corner I have some open days, fishing for tarpon should stay pretty good in the everglades through to September, gimme a buzz if you want to get on them!  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
