Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/24/14 Tarpon Fishing in Islamorada in April

Had a full day and an evening trip tonight.  Long day!  We tarpon fished for all of it really.  They day trip had lots of action.  We only caught 1 fish but we had probably 10 solid bites and plenty of other bust the mullets and ‘cheap shot’ us.  So it kept us entertained.  Mostly all on live bait fishing channel 2 bridge.  The evening trip was tough for me.  We found some bait balls in between trips so I loaded up with fresh bait.  We went back around channel 2 to start and had a few cheap shots fairly quick.  I was ready for it to be a productive night and then that was just about all the tarpon action we had.  We fished hard too.  Saw a handful of fish caught but we just could not get lined up on them.  Ran back up the road around 6:30 and tried some of the local channels.  We saw plenty of fish rolling though could not get them to eat for nothing.  We did catch a few sharks at least.  Oh well you can’t catch them every time… though it’s been a while since I really have been on a ‘tarpon trip’ and not had a bite.  Hopefully the last time for a while!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/23/14 Keys Tarpon Fishing Charter in April

Fished a full day today and stuck around town tarpon fishing for most of it.  We had a couple bites earlier near home where I’ve been having some luck.  Unfortunately both fish did not stick we jumped one off, the other we never saw but I assume tarpon.  After that we ran down the road around the bridges.  Lots of tarpon there again and lots of boats fishing.  We managed to catch a couple, one exciting bite on live mullet and the other on dead.  A 50 lb fish and then a nice 110 lb fish.  They seemed a bit happier today we saw several other boats hook up, nobody was crushing them but at least they were biting a bit.  The afternoon was slow we did spend an hour catching more bait, it was nice to see some mullet around as they’ve been scarce.  They were not easy to catch but we spent an hour and got 30 or so.  The afternoon back around home was slow just caught a big ray, saw a few tarpon roll in one channel but no bites.  Tomorrow looks like the wind will swing back around to the easterly quadrant.  That should be good news for all of us!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

4/22/14 Early Morning Half Day Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Charter Report

We got off the dock at 6:45 today.  The wind was still northeast in the morning though died down to very light and variable later in the morning.  The water is still a little chilly but should warm up today as the wind is light now.  We caught a nice 120 lb tarpon in the first hour, a non jumper and did not get pictures myself.  But a good hard fighter!  We got some live mullet after that and ran down the road to the big bridges further south.  Lots of tarpon down there, the channel was loaded up!  They were not real happy though.  We took a little while and finally had a couple cheap shots and then a solid bite.  Caught a nice 85 lb fish.  Out of the dozen or so boats there I only saw one other boat jump a fish.  But there were hundreds of tarpon there.  After that it was time to come in, maybe they will turn on this afternoon as they have the last few days.  Oh well somebody else will find out!  Not a bad morning two nice size tarpon.  The florida keys tarpon fishing should get more consistent hopefully the winds will get back more to the east/southeast and it should be game on!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
