Tarpon fished today with Jerry and his grandson Dustin from Texas. We headed out early and stopped around Flamingo to catch a little bait on the way. Didn’t see a whole bunch of bait, but was still holding pretty good from yesterday. We did check a couple spots and caught a dozen or so mullet though. We ran out off the beaches where we had some tarpon action yesterday. First up Dustin caught a giant snook of about 18 lbs, very nice fish. Then we got rocked up by what we believe was a goliath grouper. After that we caught a sting ray and decided to move out where I was seeing a few tarpon busting. Soon after we hooked up and Jerry landed a nice 25 lb fish. After that we moved again and jumped another fish off, then hooked and landed a nice 50 lb fish. After that Dustin was up we moved one more time and Dustin hooked up soon he had a nice 50-60 lb fish too. After that we put them out one more time and Jerry hooked up another fish in the 50 lb range. Great fishing up until 11:00 or so then things slowed down, tide quit around noon. We tried a few other spots in the area and had a few shark bites but that was it. Great day though overall these guys will be back next year! 4 for 5
8/16/15 August Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
Got booked for today and a few bookings during the upcoming week now. All of a sudden I have a full week of fishing had to mark tuesday off so I can get a little break! That’s a good thing though. Today we fished out back for a 3/4 day. We left out early and caught some bait on the way. First stop bait was OK we got one decent throw and then a handful more. Though stopped in another area since we were waiting on the tide anyhow and got a crushing throw to load the cooler. We tried around flamingo where there had been a few tarpon as the tide started to fall. Didn’t see much though we had some good shark activity with some big lemons and blacktips. After that we ran out west and saw a few tarpon airing out. Set up and soon we hooked a few big bottom fish and caught a lunker snook! After that we hooked a nice 50 lb tarpon and caught him. My angler Zeb was thrilled with his first poon. We had a large goliath grouper rock us up too. We tried to get his wife a tarpon after that and moved around a bit where I had seen some fish busting. Soon she had one hooked up but unfortunately he came unbuttoned. After that it was time to go home. Will likely be giving it a go again tomorrow as I have some bait stocked away. 1 for 2
8/14/15 August Tarpon Fishing in the Everglades
Tough day for us today we got out early and I had a little bait left over. Was hoping to get some more on the way back. I checked further to the west where there had been some in the afternoons, but we did not see much at all this morning. So I ran off the beaches where we had good fishing a few days ago. Today it was ghost town however we did not even have a shark bite. Moved around 3 different times and fished it pretty hard. When I was just about out of bait we saw a free jumping fish about a 100 yards out but didn’t have the bait to go try to fish there. Anyways we spent a good amount of time after that looking for bait to no avail. The falling tides have been very hard for bait, there was some mullet around but way up on the flat where I couldn’t get to them, and as soon as the boat got within 100 feet they were scattering. We gave up on the tarpon and tried to catch some smaller stuff, but even those fish didn’t want to cooperate. We caught a handful of snappers and then called it a day. Can’t catch ’em every day! 0 for 0