8/12/15 Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing in August

Had Michael and Steven out again from yesterday.  Today they wanted to try for some snook so tarpon wasn’t really on the game plan.   But that didn’t stop us from catching one!  We were chumming some bait in one of the channels and saw some tarpon rolling along the edge nearby.  I had some bait leftover from yesterday and we put a couple out while we continued to chum and catch bait.  Soon Michael had a nice 50 lb fish hooked up!  Fishing lesson #1 – Always be prepared!   After that we had a good day catching the boys their first snook among several others, and some nice mangrove snappers for dinner!  1 for 1

Capt. Rick Stanczyk


8/11/15 August Everglades Tarpon Fishing Report

Got out extra early this morning my people showed up a little after 5:30 and I was ready so off we went in the dark.  Made it back around the flamingo area.  Tried to catch some bait and I got stuck by a catfish early on… not good, very painful and even passed out for a few seconds.  After a half hour or so I felt much better and was able to catch some bait in another spot about 3 dozen or so.  We set up in the channels nearby for the last of the falling tide.  Hooked and got leader on a small 30 lb fish.  Then caught several sharks and a big ray.  Saw one other fish roll but no other bites.  Around 9:00 or so we headed out further west to catch the start of the incoming tide.  It was smoking when we got there and saw plenty of fish rolling around.  It was instant action we jumped two fish off right away, then we caught the next 3 including a double header.  We jumped off a couple others, then landed another one.  Then moved over a little bit and hooked another double header though one came off, and we landed the other.  It was insane action as good as it gets here august tarpon fishing in Islamorada.  Unfortunately I didn’t get many pictures as the action was so hot and heavy, though hopefully my guys will send me a few of them.  Tomorrow I got the same guys again we may try some snook fishing, but have some leftover bait in case we want to try the tarpon again.  6 for 11

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

8/9/15 August Islamorada Everglades Tarpon Fishing Report

Got out with the family and friends today.  We had some leftover mullet though caught a handful of fresh ones on the way over.  Big rain storm blew up when we got into the backcountry so we were chased way up to the east, though were able to sit on the edge of it and fish in one of the channels.  It worked out well for us, we hooked a double header tarpon right away that we caught!  After that my wife Liz caught a tarpon too.  Got in on the right hungry pack.  After that we decided to try some snook fishing and we caught a few baits for that, though they weren’t easy.  Picked away at some snook and a few other creatures.  Then tried another spot for tarpon on the way home.  A place I’ve never really tarpon fished before but have seen fish in a few times.  It was worth it we saw a couple tarpon roll when we got there.  Caught a big blacktip shark, then hooked something that cut us off we weren’t sure what it was, then finally got a 60 lb tarpon.  I landed him myself, have not done that in a while!  He came in pretty easily though only a 5 minute battle.  Anyways great day and good to have success trying something new!  Day off tomorrow though booked tuesday and thursday, maybe some other stuff will fill in to!  4 for 4

Capt. Rick Stanczyk