6/10/15 June Tarpon Fishing Keys Islamorada

More tarpon fishing in the backcountry today.  We found a few fish in the same channels I’ve been hitting the last few mornings.  They are not happy though we did not get a bite out of them this morning.  We ran to another area and gave it a shot and did end up catching a good variety of sharks including some hammerheads, bonnet heads, blacktips, and a big nurse shark.  After that I ran way up in side the same channel to give it a shot sometimes the tarpon are up there.  We ended up getting one right before the tide quit, a nice 85 lber!  We landed him and the tide had changed by the time we got back – perfect!  We had another bite about 20 minutes after and missed him unfortuantely.  We did see a few fish start to roll and had another hour of  fishing, but no more tarpon bites just a couple more sharks.  Anyways glad to be on the board again!  1 for 2

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

